chronic fibrosing pancreatitis

chron·ic fi·bros·ing pan·cre·a·ti·tis

inflammation of the pancreas consisting of fibrosis, acinar atrophy, and calcification. Clinically, it follows a protracted course with relapses and remissions, and is usually due to alcohol abuse or malnutrition.

chron·ic fi·bros·ing pan·cre·a·ti·tis

(kron'ik fī-brōs'ing pan'krē-ă-tī'tis) Inflammation of the pancreas consisting of fibrosis, acinar atrophy, and calcification. Clinically, it follows a protracted course with relapses and remissions, and is usually due to alcohol abuse or malnutrition. Inflammation of the pancreas consisting of fibrosis, acinar atrophy, and calcification. Clinically, it follows a protracted course with relapses and remissions, and is usually due to alcohol abuse or malnutrition.