Acronym | Definition |
CIF➣Common Intermediate Format (352 pixels by 288 lines, 30 fps; 1.22:1) |
CIF➣Cost, Insurance & Freight (shipping) |
CIF➣Crystallographic Information File |
CIF➣Congé Individuel de Formation (French: Individual Training Leave) |
CIF➣Crédit Immobilier de France (French mortgage company) |
CIF➣California Interscholastic Federation |
CIF➣Comment Is Free (The Guardian newspaper; UK) |
CIF➣Construction Industry Federation (Ireland) |
CIF➣Classification Internationale du Fonctionnement, du Handicap et de la Santé (French: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) |
CIF➣Coming into Force |
CIF➣Carrier Indication Field (telecommunications) |
CIF➣Customer Installable Feature |
CIF➣Chapter Information |
CIF➣Caltech Intermediate Format |
CIF➣Cost Insurrance and Freight |
CIF➣Common Intermediate Format |
CIF➣Customization Input File |
CIF➣Cells in Frame |
CIF➣Centro Italiano Femminile (Italian Center for Women) |
CIF➣Código de Identificación Fiscal |
CIF➣Central Instrumentation Facility (US NASA) |
CIF➣Construction Innovation Forum |
CIF➣Central Issue Facility |
CIF➣Conservation International Foundation |
CIF➣Chapter-in-Formation |
CIF➣Corporate Information Factory |
CIF➣Continuous Improvement Framework (education; Canada) |
CIF➣Chicago Improv Festival (Chicago, IL) |
CIF➣Conseiller en Investissements Financiers (French: Financial Investment Adviser) |
CIF➣Customer Information File |
CIF➣Canadian Institute of Forestry (Institut Forestière du Canada) |
CIF➣Community Initiative Fund (various locations) |
CIF➣Common Interchange Format |
CIF➣Common Image Format |
CIF➣Canadian Investment Fund |
CIF➣Common Industry Format (standard reporting method; US National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
CIF➣Capital Improvement Fund |
CIF➣Collective Investment Fund (Citibank) |
CIF➣Company Information Form |
CIF➣Central Information File |
CIF➣Community Impact Fund (various locations) |
CIF➣Caltech Intermediate Form |
CIF➣Cloud Industry Forum (cloud computing) |
CIF➣Cells In Frames |
CIF➣Committee International Federation (hockey) |
CIF➣Construction Industry Forum |
CIF➣Coordination InterPride France |
CIF➣Conseil International des Femmes |
CIF➣Council of International Fellowship |
CIF➣Combatant Commanders In-Extremis Force |
CIF➣Confocal Imaging Facility (various locations) |
CIF➣Cell Imaging Facility (various locations) |
CIF➣Cyprus Investment Firm |
CIF➣Child Information Form (various organizations) |
CIF➣Catalog Interchange Format |
CIF➣Center for Individual Freedom |
CIF➣Capillary Isoelectric Focusing (proteins) |
CIF➣Cost plus Incentive Fee (contract) |
CIF➣Compte d'Instruments Financiers (French: Financial Instruments Account) |
CIF➣Capital Improvement Fee |
CIF➣Consolidated Issue Facility |
CIF➣Continuous Ink Flow (printing; various companies) |
CIF➣Cod de Identificare Fiscala (Romanian: Tax Identification Code) |
CIF➣Consolidated Incineration Facility |
CIF➣Collaboratory Interoperability Framework |
CIF➣Cumulative Incidence Function (reliability) |
CIF➣Cargo, Insurance and Freight |
CIF➣Contract Initiation Form |
CIF➣Computer Investigations and Forensics (US Department of State) |
CIF➣Cash In Fist |
CIF➣Career Information Fair (various locations) |
CIF➣Consolidated Incinerator Facility |
CIF➣Coordinated Instrumentation Facility |
CIF➣Common Interface File |
CIF➣Clutter Improvement Factor (radar) |
CIF➣Customer Install Feature |
CIF➣Central Index File |
CIF➣Core Interface Function (interface between SAP R/3 system and APO) |
CIF➣Candidate Item File |
CIF➣Comparative Incidence Figure |
CIF➣Certified International Financier |
CIF➣Cadet Information File |
CIF➣Cumulative Intensity Function |
CIF➣Computer Is Frozen |
CIF➣Centre des Impôts Foncier (French land tax) |
CIF➣Conseil Information Formation |
CIF➣Critical Input File |
CIF➣Central Intelligence File |
CIF➣Constraint Induced Fracture |
CIF➣Common Imagery Interoperable Facility |
CIF➣CINC In-extremist Force |
CIF➣Corps Information Flow |
CIF➣Controller Information File (military air traffic control) |
CIF➣CINC (Commander in Chief) Initiative Fund (US DoD) |
CIF➣Certified Insurance Facilitator |