
1. Rest: The person takes a deep breath and sinks vertically beneath the surface, relaxes the arms and legs, keeps the chin down, and allows the fingertips to brush against the knees. The neck is relaxed and the back of the head is above the surface. 2. Get set: The arms are raised gently to a crossed position with the back of the wrists touching the forehead. At the same time, the person steps forward with one leg and backward with the other. 3. Lift head, exhale: With the arms and legs in the previous position, the head is raised quickly but smoothly to the vertical position and the person exhales through the nose. 4. Stroke and kick, inhale: To support the head above the surface while inhaling through the mouth, the arms sweep gently outward and downward and both feet step downward. 5. Head down, press: As the person drops beneath the surface, the head goes down and the arms and hands press downward to arrest descent. 6. Rest: It is important to relax completely as in the first step for 6 to 10 sec.