Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin

Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin

(äNtwän` käNtăN` fo͞okyā`-tăNvēl`), 1746–95, French revolutionary. A lawyer, he was public prosecutor (Mar., 1793–July, 1794) of the Revolutionary Tribunal; he personified the ruthlessness of the Reign of TerrorReign of Terror,
1793–94, period of the French Revolution characterized by a wave of executions of presumed enemies of the state. Directed by the Committee of Public Safety, the Revolutionary government's Terror was essentially a war dictatorship, instituted to rule the
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. Among his numerous victims were Marie Antoinette and Georges Danton. After the fall of Maximilien RobespierreRobespierre, Maximilien Marie Isidore
, 1758–94, one of the leading figures of the French Revolution. Early Life

A poor youth, he was enabled to study law in Paris through a scholarship.
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, Fouquier-Tinville was tried and guillotined.