dextrin dextranase

dex·trin dex·tran·ase

(deks'trin deks'tran-ās), A glucosyltransferase transferring 1,4-α-d-glucosyl residues, thus catalyzing the synthesis of dextrans (with 1,6 links between monosaccharide units) from dextrins (with 1,4 links) by glucose transfer. Synonym(s): dextrin → dextran transglucosidase, dextrin 6-glucosyltransferase

dex·trin dex·tran·ase

(deks'trin deks'tră-nās) A glucosyltransferase transferring 1,4-α-d-glucosyl residues, thus catalyzing the synthesis of dextrans from dextrins by glucose transfer.