Fedor Alekseevich Semenov
Semenov, Fedor Alekseevich
Born Apr. 20 (May 1), 1794, in Kursk; died Apr. 17 (29), 1860. Russian amateur astronomer.
Semenov was self-taught in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, and he constructed his own instruments for use in his astronomical observations. His most important works dealt with the prediction of eclipses. Semenov also conducted systematic meteorological observations and published results. He was greatly aided in his work by D. M. Perevoshchikov and A. N. Savich.
“Tablitsy pokazaniia vremeni lunnnykh i solnechnykh zatmenii s 1840 po 2001 god, na moskovskom meridiane.” Zapiski Russkogo geograficheskogo obshchestva, 1856, book 1, pp. 227–333.REFERENCES
Avtobiografiia kurskogo astronoma-liubitelia Fedora Alekseevicha Semenova. Petrograd, 1920.Antimonov, N. A. Kurskii astronom i meteorolog Fedor Alekseevich Semenov. Kursk, 1946.