Fedor Bock

Bock, Fedor


Born Dec. 3, 1880, in Küstrin; died May 3, 1945. General field marshal of the fascist German Army.

From 1912, Bock was an officer of the general staff and participated in World War I. He was a member of the Armistice Commission in 1918 and later served in the Reichswehr. He was a monarchist and one of the organizers of the so-called Black Reichswehr. In 1925, Bock commanded the 3rd Army Group. In 1938 he commanded the Eighth Army at the time of the Austrian Anschluss and subsequently the 2nd Army Group during the occupation of the Sudetenland. Bock was in command of Army Group North in the Polish Campaign of 1939, Army Group B in the French Campaign of 1940, and Army Group Center at the beginning of Germany’s perfidious attack on the USSR in 1941. Because of his defeat near Moscow, Bock was relieved of his command in December 1941. From January to July 1942 he commanded Army Group South, and later he was attached to Hitler’s headquarters. Bock died during an air raid.