Davitaia, Feofan Farneevich
Davitaia, Feofan Farneevich
Born Sept. 15, 1911, in the village of Eki, in present-day Tskhakaia Raion. Georgian SSR. Soviet agrometeorologist and climatologist, doctor of agricultural sciences (1951), academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR (1960), Honored Scientist of the Georgian SSR (1966). Became a member of the CPSU in 1939. Academician-secretary of the Division of Earth Sciences, director of the Vakhushti Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the Georgian SSR. Became president of the Geographical Society of the Georgian SSR in 1970.
Davitaia’s basic works are devoted to questions of the ag-roclimatic division of the USSR, the evaluation of climatic resources in the various natural zones, and the substantiation of foreċasting the availability to plants of heat and moisture in regions where these plants have been assimilated. Davitaia has been awarded five orders, as well as medals.
Klimaticheskie zony vinograda ν SSSR, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1948.Prognoz obespechennosti teplom i nekotorye problemy sezonnogo razvitiia prirody. Moscow, 1964.
Klimaticheskie resursy Kuby i ikh ispol’zovanie ν narodnom khoziaistve. Tbilisi. 1966. (Together with I. I. Trusov.)
Problema prognoza ispariaemosti i orositel’nykh norm. Leningrad. 1970. (Coauthor.)