Acronym | Definition |
ERO➣Enforcement and Removal Operations (US DHS) |
ERO➣Education Review Office (New Zealand) |
ERO➣European Radiocommunications Office |
ERO➣Electoral Registration Officer |
ERO➣Énergies Renouvelables de l'Ouest (French: Western Renewable Energy) |
ERO➣Emergency Restraining Order |
ERO➣Emergency Response Organization |
ERO➣Electric Reliability Organization |
ERO➣Electronic Return Originator (US Internal Revenue Service) |
ERO➣Explicit Route Object (protocol) |
ERO➣Eastern Regional Office |
ERO➣Emergency Response Officer |
ERO➣Encarta Research Organizer |
ERO➣Encapsulated Realtime Objects |
ERO➣Employee Relations Officer |
ERO➣Entreprise de Récupération Ouest (French: Corporate Recovery West; Algeria) |
ERO➣Early Retirement Option |
ERO➣Engineered Refueling Overhaul (US Navy) |
ERO➣European Risk Observatory (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work) |
ERO➣Enterprise Resource Optimization |
ERO➣Endoplasmic Reticulum Oxidoreductase (proteins) |
ERO➣European Research Office |
ERO➣Equal Rights Office |
ERO➣Edge Roll-Off (silicon wafer geometry) |
ERO➣Equipment Repair Order (USMC) |
ERO➣Early Release Observation |
ERO➣Export Regulations Office (IBM Corp.) |
ERO➣Event-Related Oscillations |
ERO➣Emergency Repair Overseer (US Navy) |
ERO➣Eightball Run Out (billiards) |
ERO➣European-American Rights Organization (pro-white group) |
ERO➣Exponential Rate Optimal (test) |
ERO➣Eastern Rehabilitation Organization (Sri Lanka) |
ERO➣Electronics Readiness Officer |
ERO➣Earned Run Out (Pool; break and run table) |
ERO➣European Racing Organisation |
ERO➣Engines Running On-Load/Off-Load |
ERO➣Errored input from other systems queue |