Fedor Lvov
L’vov, Fedor Nikolaevich
Born Aug. 11 (23), 1823, in Riazan’ Province, died May 23 (June 4), 1885, in St. Petersburg. Russian revolutionary, member of the Petrashevskii circle. Descended from the dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry). Staff-captain of the Chasseurs Life Guards Regiment (Egerskii Regiment). Tutor in chemistry in a cadet academy.
L’vov participated in the study circles of N. A. Mombelli, M. V. Petrashevskii, and S. F. Durov. He was arrested in April 1849 in the Petrashevskii case. Sentenced to be shot, he was resentenced to 12 years at hard labor, which he spent at the Shilkinskii Zavod, Aleksandrovskii Zavod, and Nerchinskii Zavod. After the amnesty of 1856 he lived in domestic exile. In Siberia he did research in chemistry and engineering and contributed to the Irkutsk press. His “Excerpts from the Memoirs of a Penal Exile” were published in Sovremennik (The Contemporary) in 1861-62. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1863. From 1871 to 1882 he was secretary of the Russian Technical Society and editor of its Zapiski (Transactions).