Express Information Bulletin

Express Information Bulletin


in the USSR, an informational-bibliographic publication, usually prepared by the central information agency of a branch of industry, that draws on recently published domestic and foreign material for the most current available information.

Express information bulletins are designed to give new information to specialists as quickly as possible, relieving them of the need to refer to the original sources. Usually prepared within two months of the day the material is received, they include abstracts of published works, as well as reports on the latest developments in industry. Each bulletin has a fixed array of subjects, pertaining to such areas as branches of industry, agriculture, or certain natural sciences. The various bulletins are published at different intervals. The reference apparatus of express information bulletins comprises a preface, a heading that indicates the subjects covered by the various express-information series and issues, a table of contents for each issue, and a list of the information sources used. (See alsoABSTRACTS, JOURNALS OF.)