

(brī`tənfĕlt'), village, Saxony, S central E Germany. It gave its name to two battles of the Thirty Years WarThirty Years War,
1618–48, general European war fought mainly in Germany. General Character of the War

There were many territorial, dynastic, and religious issues that figured in the outbreak and conduct of the war.
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. Gustavus Adolphus (Gustavus IIGustavus II
(Gustavus Adolphus), 1594–1632, king of Sweden (1611–32), son and successor of Charles IX. Military Achievements

Gustavus's excellent education, personal endowments, and early experience in affairs of state prepared him for his crucial role
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) of Sweden there defeated the imperial forces under Count Johannes TillyTilly, Johannes Tserklaes, count of
, 1559–1632, general in Bavarian and later imperial service during the Thirty Years War. A younger son of a noble family of Brabant, he served under Duke Alessandro Farnese and against the Turks before entering the service of Duke
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 and Marshal Gottfried PappenheimPappenheim, Gottfried Heinrich, Graf zu
, 1594–1632, German military leader, imperial field marshal in the Thirty Years War. A convert to Roman Catholicism, he became a counselor in the service of the Holy Roman emperor, but soon abandoned this position for a military
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 in 1631, and the Swedes under General Lennart TorstenssonTorstensson, Lennart
, 1603–51, Swedish general in the Thirty Years War. He was one of the generals trained by Gustavus II in the new techniques of war. As commander of the Swedish artillery at Breitenfeld (1631) and the Lech (1632), he was responsible for the success of
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 there routed the imperial troops under Archduke Leopold William in 1642.



village north of Leipzig (part of the city of Lindenthal since 1913), where two battles were fought during the Thirty Years’ War of 1618-48.

(1) On Sept. 17, 1631, the allied Swedish and Saxon troops under the command of Gustavus II Adolphus (39, 000 men, of whom 16, 000 were Saxons of low combat efficiency, and 75 guns) defeated the troops of the Catholic League under the command of J. Tilly (36, 000 men and 26 guns); this victory opened the way to central and southern Germany to the Swedish troops and was a turning point in the war.

(2) On Nov. 2, 1642, the Swedish troops of L. Torstensson defeated the imperial troops of Archduke Leopold and O. Piccolomini; the Swedes then occupied Saxony, and the German emperor was forced to start peace negotiations.