Acronym | Definition |
FLC➣Fighting Load Carrier |
FLC➣Fort Lewis College (Durango, Colorado, USA) |
FLC➣First Lutheran Church (various locations) |
FLC➣Family Life Center |
FLC➣Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal |
FLC➣Fundacion Laboral de la Construccion (Spanish: Construction Labor Foundation) |
FLC➣Federal Laboratory Consortium |
FLC➣Foreign Language Center |
FLC➣Fall Leadership Conference (various organizations) |
FLC➣Farm Labor Contractor (state authorization to hire nonimmigrant labor for farmers) |
FLC➣Full Life Cycle |
FLC➣Fuzzy Logic Controller |
FLC➣First Level Cache |
FLC➣Full Logic Control |
FLC➣Forward Load Control |
FLC➣Foldable Large Container |
FLC➣Football League Championship (Coca-Cola; est. 2004) |
FLC➣Fun Lovin' Criminals (band) |
FLC➣Flowering Locus |
FLC➣Free Light Chain |
FLC➣Fuzzy Logic Control |
FLC➣Family Law Courts (Australia) |
FLC➣Florida League of Cities |
FLC➣Full-Service Carrier |
FLC➣Frankfurt Laser Company (Frankfurt, Germany) |
FLC➣Full Load Current |
FLC➣Finger Lakes Chapter (various organizations) |
FLC➣France Lighting Composants (France) |
FLC➣Foreign Language Class (various schools) |
FLC➣Fiber Loop Carrier |
FLC➣Freshman Learning Community (colleges) |
FLC➣Foreign Legal Consultant (US bar certification) |
FLC➣Fontainebleau Loisirs et Culture (French leisure and culture association) |
FLC➣Federal Library Committee |
FLC➣Foreign Liquidation Commission |
FLC➣Flight Level Change (flight director system) |
FLC➣Front de Libération du Cochon (French: Pig Liberation Front) |
FLC➣Fiber Loop Converter (ADC) |
FLC➣Foreign Language Coordinator (various organizations) |
FLC➣Fontainebleau Langues et Communication (French: Fontainebleau Languages and Communication; Fontainebleau, France) |
FLC➣First Ladies Club |
FLC➣Future Leader Camp (Norwich University; Northfield, VT) |
FLC➣Fixed Length Code |
FLC➣Foreign Language Committee |
FLC➣Forest Lake College (Australia) |
FLC➣Federated Logic Conference (various schools) |
FLC➣Fixed Length Codeword |
FLC➣Florida Leisure Communities |
FLC➣Force Level Control |
FLC➣Friend Erythroleukemia Cell |
FLC➣Fine Loop Control |
FLC➣Family Life Champion |
FLC➣Force Level Commander |
FLC➣Frame Loss Counter |
FLC➣Function Level Code (Hekimian) |
FLC➣Fluids Logistics Carrier |
FLC➣Fixed-Length Capacity |
FLC➣Fast Life Crew (clothing) |
FLC➣Fijian Labour Contingent (UK) |
FLC➣Force Logistics Coordinator |
FLC➣Football Loisirs Club de Longfossé (French football club) |
FLC➣Finite Longitudinal Correlation |
FLC➣Folding Large Container |
FLC➣Fault-List Collapsing |
FLC➣Flat Learning Curve |
FLC➣Frequency Lock Counter |
FLC➣Flat Line Correction |
FLC➣Furukawa Lear Corporation (Japan) |
FLC➣Fitzwater Leadership Consulting |