diagnostic specificity

di·ag·nos·tic spec·i·fic·i·ty

the probability (P) that, given the absence of disease (D), a normal test result (T) excludes disease; that is, P(T/D).

di·ag·nos·tic spe·ci·fi·ci·ty

(dī-ăg-nos'tik spes'i-fis'i-tē) 1. The probability (P) that, given the absence of disease (D), a normal test result (T) excludes disease; i.e., P(T/D). 2. Specificity (%) = number of patients without the disease who test negative × 100 ÷ total number tested without the disease.

diagnostic specificity

For a diagnostic or screening test, the proportion of people who are truly free of a specific disease and are so identified by the test. See: sensitivitySee also: specificity