Clado point

Cla·do point

(klah-dō'), a point at the junction of the interspinous and right semilunar lines, at the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle, where marked tenderness on pressure is palpated in some cases of appendicitis.

Cla·do point

(klah-dō' poynt) A point at the junction of the interspinous and right semilunar lines, at the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle, where marked tenderness on pressure is felt in some cases of appendicitis.


Spiro, French gynecologist, 1856-1905. Clado anastomosis - anastomosis in the right suspensory ligament of the ovary between the appendicular and ovarian arteries.Clado band - the suspensory ligament of the ovary.Clado ligament - a mesenteric fold running from the broad ligament on the right side to the appendix.Clado point - a point at the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle where marked tenderness on pressure is felt in some cases of appendicitis.