Economics Institute of the State Planning Committee of the USSR

Economics Institute of the State Planning Committee of the USSR


(full name, Scientific Research Economics Institute of the State Planning Committee of the USSR; NIEI), a research institute that deals with methodological problems of long-range national economic planning and investigates the economic and social problems of development of the national economy of the USSR. The institute was established in Moscow in 1955. It has eight research departments and 32 sections (1976).

The institute’s chief research activities are as follows: development of the methodology and techniques of compiling long-range national economic plans, including the methodology of economic forecasting and research on complex national economic problems with due regard for the creation and use of automated systems for planning calculations; refining of techniques of analytic research in economics; study of the problems of determining optimum long-term rates and proportions of socialist expanded reproduction, raising the efficiency of social production, and improving the standard of living; and elaboration of socioeconomic questions and proposals relevant to forming the economic and political design of long-range plans for the development of the national economy of the USSR.

The institute has a library and a mathematics laboratory. It trains graduate students in residence and by extension study. There are institute-wide scholarly councils that consider the most pressing problems and review candidate’s and doctoral dissertations. In addition to basic monographs on fundamental problems, the institute regularly publishes collections of scientific articles on specific topics.