

单词 condition



C0553300 (kən-dĭsh′ən)n.1. a. A mode or state of being: We bought a used boat in excellent condition. See Synonyms at state.b. conditions Existing circumstances: Economic conditions have improved. The news reported the latest weather conditions.c. Archaic Social position; rank.2. a. A state of health: Has the patient's condition deteriorated?b. A state of physical fitness: Have you exercised enough to get back into condition?c. A disease or physical ailment: a heart condition.3. a. One that is indispensable to the appearance or occurrence of another; a prerequisite: Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.b. One that restricts or modifies another; a qualification: I'll make you a promise but with one condition.4. a. Grammar The dependent clause of a conditional sentence; protasis.b. Logic A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition.5. Law a. A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.b. The event itself.tr.v. con·di·tioned, con·di·tion·ing, con·di·tions 1. a. To make dependent on a condition or conditions: Use of the cabin is conditioned on your keeping it clean.b. To stipulate as a condition: "He only conditioned that the marriage should not take place before his return" (Jane Austen).2. a. To cause to be in a certain condition; shape or influence: "Our modern conceptions of historiography [are] conditioned by Western intellectual traditions" (Carol Meyers).b. To accustom (oneself or another) to something; adapt: had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes.c. To render fit for work or use: spent weeks conditioning the old car.d. To improve the physical fitness of (the body, for example), as through repeated sessions of strenuous physical activity.e. Psychology To cause (an organism) to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.3. To treat (the air in a room, for example) by air-conditioning.4. To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.
[Middle English condicioun, from Old French condicion, from Late Latin conditiō, conditiōn-, alteration of Latin condiciō, from condīcere, to agree : com-, com- + dīcere, to talk; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]


(kənˈdɪʃən) n1. a particular state of being or existence; situation with respect to circumstances: the human condition. 2. something that limits or restricts something else; a qualification: you may enter only under certain conditions. 3. (plural) external or existing circumstances: conditions were right for a takeover. 4. state of health or physical fitness, esp good health (esp in the phrases in condition, out of condition)5. (Medicine) an ailment or physical disability: a heart condition. 6. something indispensable to the existence of something else: your happiness is a condition of mine. 7. something required as part of an agreement or pact; terms: the conditions of the lease are set out. 8. (Law) law a. a declaration or provision in a will, contract, etc, that makes some right or liability contingent upon the happening of some eventb. the event itself9. (Logic) logic a statement whose truth is either required for the truth of a given statement (a necessary condition) or sufficient to guarantee the truth of the given statement (a sufficient condition). See sufficient2, necessary3e10. (Mathematics) maths logic a presupposition, esp a restriction on the domain of quantification, indispensable to the proof of a theorem and stated as part of it11. (Logic) maths logic a presupposition, esp a restriction on the domain of quantification, indispensable to the proof of a theorem and stated as part of it12. (Statistics) statistics short for experimental condition13. rank, status, or position in life14. on condition that upon condition that (conjunction) provided thatvb (mainly tr) 15. (Psychology) psychol a. to alter the response of (a person or animal) to a particular stimulus or situationb. to establish a conditioned response in (a person or animal)16. to put into a fit condition or state17. (Hairdressing & Grooming) to improve the condition of (one's hair) by use of special cosmetics18. to accustom or inure19. to subject to a condition20. (intr) archaic to make conditions[C14: from Latin conditiō, from condīcere to discuss, agree together, from con- together + dīcere to say]


(kənˈdɪʃ ən)

n. 1. a particular mode of being of a person or thing; existing state; situation with respect to circumstances. 2. state of health: a patient in critical condition. 3. fit or requisite state: to be in no condition to run. 4. social position. 5. a restricting, limiting, or modifying circumstance: It can happen only under certain conditions. 6. a circumstance indispensable to some result; prerequisite: conditions of acceptance. 7. Usu., conditions. existing circumstances: poor living conditions. 8. something demanded as an essential part of an agreement; provision; stipulation: I accept on one condition. 9. Law. a. a stipulation that would alter an agreement should a specified event occur. b. the event itself. 10. an abnormal or diseased state of part of the body: heart condition; skin condition. 11. an academic grade that permits a student failing a course to earn credit for the course by later performance. 12. protasis (def. 1). 13. antecedent (def. 6). v.t. 14. to put in a fit or proper state. 15. to accustom or inure: to condition oneself to the cold. 16. to form or be a condition of; determine, limit, or restrict as a condition. 17. to make (something) a condition. 18. to establish a conditioned response in (a subject). 19. to apply a conditioner to. v.i. 20. to make conditions. [1275–1325; Middle English condicioun < Anglo-French; Old French < Latin condiciō agreement, stipulation <condic-, condīcere to give notice, appoint (con- + dīcere to say)] con•di′tion•a•ble, adj.


Those variables of an operational environment or situation in which a unit, system, or individual is expected to operate and may affect performance. See also joint mission-essential tasks; standard.
Noun1.condition - a state at a particular timecondition - a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"statusstate - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"diversity - the condition or result of being changeableanchorage - the condition of being secured to a base; "the plant needs a firm anchorage"; "the mother provides emotional anchorage for the entire family"health - the general condition of body and mind; "his delicate health"; "in poor health"mode - a particular functioning condition or arrangement; "switched from keyboard to voice mode"ecological niche, niche - (ecology) the status of an organism within its environment and community (affecting its survival as a species)noise conditions - the condition of being noisy (as in a communication channel)participation, involvement - the condition of sharing in common with others (as fellows or partners etc.)prepossession - the condition of being prepossessed; "the king's prepossession in my favor is very valuable"regularisation, regularization - the condition of having been made regular (or more regular)saturation - a condition in which a quantity no longer responds to some external influencesilence - the state of being silent (as when no one is speaking); "there was a shocked silence"; "he gestured for silence"situation, position - a condition or position in which you find yourself; "the unpleasant situation (or position) of having to choose between two evils"; "found herself in a very fortunate situation"ski conditions - the amount and state of snow for skiingnomination - the condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election; "there was keen competition for the nomination"; "his nomination was hotly protested"standardisation, standardization - the condition in which a standard has been successfully established; "standardization of nuts and bolts had saved industry millions of dollars"stigmatism - (optics) condition of an optical system (as a lens) in which light rays from a single point converge in a single focal pointastigmatism, astigmia - (optics) defect in an optical system in which light rays from a single point fail to converge in a single focal pointway - the condition of things generally; "that's the way it is"; "I felt the same way"circumstance - a condition that accompanies or influences some event or activityhomelessness - the state or condition of having no home (especially the state of living in the streets)reinstatement - the condition of being reinstated; "her reinstatement to her former office followed quickly"place - proper or appropriate position or location; "a woman's place is no longer in the kitchen"celibacy - an unmarried statusvirginity - the condition or quality of being a virgininnocence - a state or condition of being innocent of a specific crime or offense; "the trial established his innocence"sinlessness, whiteness, innocence, pureness, purity - the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evilguilt, guiltiness - the state of having committed an offenseencapsulation - the condition of being enclosed (as in a capsule); "the encapsulation of tendons in membranous sheaths"polarisation, polarization - the condition of having or giving polarityphysical condition, physiological condition, physiological state - the condition or state of the body or bodily functionshyalinisation, hyalinization - the state of being hyaline or having become hyaline; "the patient's arterioles showed marked hyalinization"vacuolation, vacuolisation, vacuolization - the state of having become filled with vacuolesprotuberance - the condition of being protuberant; the condition of bulging out; "the protuberance of his belly"curvature - (medicine) a curving or bending; often abnormal; "curvature of the spine"mental condition, mental state, psychological condition, psychological state - (psychology) a mental condition in which the qualities of a state are relatively constant even though the state itself may be dynamic; "a manic state"difficulty - a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome; "grappling with financial difficulties"melioration, improvement - a condition superior to an earlier condition; "the new school represents a great improvement"declination, decline - a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better stateennoblement - the state of being nobleascendance, ascendancy, ascendence, ascendency, dominance, control - the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
2.condition - an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something elseprecondition, stipulationassumption, premise, premiss - a statement that is assumed to be true and from which a conclusion can be drawn; "on the assumption that he has been injured we can infer that he will not to play"boundary condition - (mathematics) a condition specified for the solution to a set of differential equationsprovision, proviso - a stipulated condition; "he accepted subject to one provision"
3.condition - a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing; "the human condition"state - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"social stratification, stratification - the condition of being arranged in social strata or classes within a groupordinary - the expected or commonplace condition or situation; "not out of the ordinary"introversion, invagination - the condition of being folded inward or sheathedroots - the condition of belonging to a particular place or group by virtue of social or ethnic or cultural lineage; "his roots in Texas go back a long way"; "he went back to Sweden to search for his roots"; "his music has African roots"lysogenicity, lysogeny - the condition of a host bacterium that has incorporated a phage into its own genetic material; "when a phage infects a bacterium it can either destroy its host or be incorporated in the host genome in a state of lysogeny"circumstances, luck, destiny, fate, fortune, lot, portion - your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"amphidiploidy - the condition of being amphidiploiddiploidy - the condition of being diploidhaploidy - the condition of being haploidheteroploidy - the condition of being heteroploidpolyploidy - the condition of being polyploidmosaicism - the condition in which an organism has two or more cell populations that differ in genetic makeuporphanage, orphanhood - the condition of being a child without living parents; "his early orphanage shaped his character as an adult"stigmatism - the condition of having or being marked by stigmatatranssexualism - condition in which a person assumes the identity and permanently acts the part of the gender opposite to his or her biological sex
4.condition - information that should be kept in mind when making a decision; "another consideration is the time it would take"consideration, circumstanceinformation - knowledge acquired through study or experience or instructionjustification - something (such as a fact or circumstance) that shows an action to be reasonable or necessary; "he considered misrule a justification for revolution"mitigating circumstance - (law) a circumstance that does not exonerate a person but which reduces the penalty associated with the offense
5.condition - the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases `in condition' or `in shape' or `out of condition' or `out of shape')shapegood health, healthiness - the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental diseasephysical fitness, fitness - good physical condition; being in shape or in condition
6.condition - an illness, disease, or other medical problem; "a heart condition"; "a skin condition"illness, sickness, unwellness, malady - impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism
7.condition - (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous"termplural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than onestatement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"agreement, understanding - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
8.condition - the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control conditionexperimental conditionexperiment, experimentation - the act of conducting a controlled test or investigationprocedure, process - a particular course of action intended to achieve a result; "the procedure of obtaining a driver's license"; "it was a process of trial and error"
Verb1.condition - establish a conditioned responseinstruct, teach, learn - impart skills or knowledge to; "I taught them French"; "He instructed me in building a boat"
2.condition - develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control; "Parents must discipline their children"; "Is this dog trained?"discipline, train, checkmake grow, develop - cause to grow and differentiate in ways conforming to its natural development; "The perfect climate here develops the grain"; "He developed a new kind of apple"mortify - practice self-denial of one's body and appetitesgroom, train, prepare - educate for a future role or function; "He is grooming his son to become his successor"; "The prince was prepared to become King one day"; "They trained him to be a warrior"
3.condition - specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"specify, stipulate, qualifycontract, undertake - enter into a contractual arrangementstipulate - give a guarantee or promise of; "They stipulated to release all the prisoners"provide - determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
4.condition - put into a better state; "he conditions old cars"ameliorate, improve, meliorate, amend, better - to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"recondition - bring into an improved condition; "He reconditioned the old appliances"
5.condition - apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny; "I condition my hair after washing it"shampoo - use shampoo on (hair)


noun1. state, order, shape, nick (Brit. informal), trim The two-bedroom chalet is in good condition.2. situation, state, position, status, circumstances, plight, status quo (Latin), case, predicament The government has encourage people to better their condition.3. requirement, terms, rider, provision, restriction, qualification, limitation, modification, requisite, prerequisite, proviso, stipulation, rule, demand They had agreed to a summit subject to certain conditions.4. health, shape, fitness, trim, form, kilter, state of health, fettle, order She was in fine condition for a woman of her age.5. ailment, problem, complaint, weakness, malady, infirmity Doctors suspect he may have a heart condition.plural noun1. circumstances, situation, environment, surroundings, way of life, milieu The conditions in the camp are just awful.verb1. train, teach, educate, adapt, accustom, inure, habituate We have been conditioned to believe that it is weak to be scared.2. nourish, improve, feed Lecithin is a protein which is excellent for conditioning dry and damaged hair.on condition that provided that, if, on the understanding that, as long as He only spoke to reporters on condition that he was not identified.


noun1. Manner of being or form of existence:mode, situation, state, status.2. A state of sound readiness:fettle, fitness, form, kilter, order, shape, trim.3. Something indispensable:essential, must, necessity, need, precondition, prerequisite, requirement, requisite, sine qua non.4. A restricting or modifying element:provision, proviso, qualification, reservation, specification, stipulation, term (often used in plural).Informal: string (often used in plural).5. Existing surroundings that affect an activity.Used in plural:circumstance (often used in plural), environment.Slang: scene.verbTo make familiar through constant practice or use:accustom, habituate, inure, wont.


(kənˈdiʃən) noun1. state or circumstances in which a person or thing is. The house is not in good condition; He is in no condition to leave hospital; under ideal conditions; living conditions; variable conditions. 條件,狀態 条件,状态 2. something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done; a term or requirement in an agreement. It was a condition of his going that he should pay his own expenses; That is one of the conditions in the agreement. 先決條件 先决条件 verb1. to affect or control. behaviour conditioned by circumstances. 制約 制约2. to put into the required state. The footballers trained hard in order to condition themselves for the match. 使處於理想狀態 使处于正常或良好状态conˈditional adjective depending on certain conditions. This offer of a university place is conditional on your being able to pass your final school exams; a conditional offer. 有條件的 附条件的conˈditionally adverb 有條件地 附条件地conˈditioner noun something which helps in conditioning. hair-conditioner. 調節器 调节器on condition that if, and only if (something is done). You will be paid tomorrow on condition that the work is finished. 如果...,唯有… 如果...,在 ... 条件下


  • I have a heart condition → 我心脏不好


out of condition

Not in good physical health; not especially strong, healthy, or fit. I've gotten pretty out of condition from working behind this desk for 10 years. I'd like to run a marathon this autumn, but I'm a little out of condition.See also: condition, of, out

mint condition

The state of an object that is in perfect condition, as if it has never been touched or otherwise used. The phrase originally referred to coins that were never put into circulation and thus remained in the same pristine condition as when they were produced at the mint. There's no way I'm selling my mint condition Babe Ruth rookie card—I don't care how much money it would get, it's one of my most prized possessions!See also: condition, mint

be in mint condition

To be in pristine condition with no evidence of use or wear. My brother made a lot of money selling vintage baseball cards that were in mint condition. My family goes to the auto show every year because we all love seeing classic cars that are in mint condition.See also: condition, mint

condition (someone or something) to (something)

1. To train someone or an animal to do something in a particular way or to act in a certain way. Years of office work have conditioned me to get up at 6 AM, even on the weekends. The dog has been conditioned to run to his bowl when I open the cabinet where we store his food.2. To acclimate someone or an animal to something. It will take time to condition ourselves to the pace of life in our sleepy new town. How long will it take to condition the dog to our commands?See also: condition

under certain circumstances

In certain situations. I let my kids sleep with me in my bedroom under certain circumstance, like if they've had a nightmare.See also: certain, circumstance

in mint condition

In brand new or pristine condition, with no evidence of use or wear. It is so rare to see this model car in mint condition like this—you've really done an outstanding job of taking care of it throughout the years. My brother made a lot of money selling vintage baseball cards that were in mint condition.See also: condition, mint

on condition (that)

Only with the restriction that (something be the case). The company agreed to the sale, on condition that all their staff be absorbed by the larger company, with no forced layoffs. We won't kick you out of the house on condition you get treatment for your addiction. He was released from prison on condition of house arrest.See also: condition, on

in an interesting condition

euphemism Pregnant. A: "Is it true that Stan's daughter is in an interesting condition?" B: "Yes, she's due at the end of the summer."See also: condition, interesting

in (good) condition

1. In good, robust health; strong or fit. Boy, I really need to get in condition. Ten years working behind a desk have given me quite a belly! Wow, Jim is really in good condition lately.2. Prepared. No, the manuscript isn't in good condition for review yet—I still have a few sections to edit.See also: condition

send into (something or some place)

1. To submit or dispatch someone or something into some place (for something). You'll have to send this into the head office for approval. They sent me into the building to retrieve the files.2. To instruct or direct someone to become involved in some situation. We're sending out top lawyers into the negotiations to make sure we get the best deal possible. Congress approved sending more troops into the conflict.3. To instruct or direct someone to become involved in some situation. We're sending out top lawyers into the negotiations to make sure we get the best deal possible. Congress approved sending more troops into the conflict.4. To cause one to undergo some physical, mental, or emotional state or condition. The committee's decision sent Sarah into a rage. The impact seems to have sent the poor man into a coma. The arrival of the pop star sent his fans into a tizzy.See also: send

in a delicate condition

dated euphemism To be pregnant. The ladies of the manor are starting to suspect that you're in a delicate condition. Should you really be on a ladder while you're in a delicate condition?See also: condition

be in an interesting condition

euphemism To be pregnant. A: "Is it true that Stan's daughter is in an interesting condition?" B: "Yes, she's due at the end of the summer."See also: condition, interesting

in good shape

1. Functioning well or in working order. The TV was acting up earlier, but it seems to be in good shape ever since I smacked it. We'll be in good shape once we get the server up and running.2. In good, robust health; strong or fit. Sadly, I'm not in good shape anymore. Ten years working behind a desk has given me quite a belly! Wow, Jim is really in good shape these days.See also: good, shape

condition someone or something to something

 1. to train or adapt someone or an animal to do something. I conditioned the dog to beg for a treat. Over the years, he had conditioned himself to run for hours at a stretch. 2. to train or adapt someone or an animal to something. We could never condition the cat to the finer points of domestication. I conditioned myself to the extreme cold.See also: condition

in a delicate condition

Euph. pregnant. (Old fashioned.) Are you sure you're up for this hike? I know you're in a delicate condition. She shouldn't be lifting those boxes. She's in a delicate condition.See also: condition

*in an interesting condition

Euph. pregnant. (*Typically: be ~; get ~.) Young Mrs. Lutin is in an interesting condition. The bride appeared to be in an interesting condition.See also: condition, interesting

in condition

 and in(to) shapein good health; strong and healthy; fit. Bob exercises frequently, so he's in condition. If I were in shape, Icould run faster and farther. I'm really overweight. I have to try to get into shape.See also: condition

*in good shape

 and *in good condition physically and functionally sound and sturdy. (Used for both people and things. *Typically: be ~; get ~; keep ~.)This car isn't in good shape. I'd like to have one that's in better condition. Mary is in good condition. She exercises and eats right to stay healthy. You have to make an effort to get into good shape.See also: good, shape

*in mint condition

Fig. in perfect condition. (*Typically: be ~;find something ~.) This is a fine car. It runs well and is in mint condition. We saw a house in mint condition and decided to buy it.See also: condition, mint

send someone into a state or condition

to cause someone to be in a certain state or condition. The horrifying news sent our family into hysterics. The clerk's rude behavior sent the customer into a fit of anger.See also: condition, send, state

under certain circumstances

 and under certain conditionsFig. depending on or influenced by something; because of something. Under certain conditions, you can see across the lake to the other side. Under certain circumstances, what you propose to do is all right.See also: certain, circumstance

in condition

Also, in good condition or shape ; in shape. Physically fit; also, in a state of readiness. For example, I've got to get in condition before the next road race, or This project's in good shape now, or Is this report in shape to show to the president? The first expression dates from the late 1700s; the use of shape for "a state of health or repair" dates from the mid-1800s. The antonyms of these expressions, out of condition and out of shape, date from the mid-1800s. For example, Their stock was out of condition and not suitable for selling, or I'm so out of shape that I can barely run a mile. See also: condition

in good condition

Also, in good shape. See in conditionSee also: condition, good

mint condition, in

In excellent condition, unblemished, perfect, as in This car is in mint condition. This expression alludes to the condition of a freshly minted coin. [c. 1900] See also: mint

on condition that

Provided that, with the restriction that, as in She said she'd help with the costumes on condition that she would get ten free tickets to the play . The use of the noun condition in the sense of "stipulation" dates from the late 1300s, and the precise phrase from the early 1500s. See also: condition, on, that

out of condition

Also, out of shape. See under in condition. See also: condition, of, out

in an interesting condition

pregnant. dated euphemisticSee also: condition, interesting

in mint condition

(of an object) new or as if new; in pristine condition. The image behind this phrase is of a newly minted coin.See also: condition, mint

in mint conˈdition

new or as good as new; in perfect condition: The books were 30 years old but they were in mint condition.My bicycle isn’t exactly in mint condition so I really can’t ask much for it.See also: condition, mint

mint condition, in

Appearing to be brand-new and unused; in excellent shape. A favorite hyperbole of used-car salesmen and secondhand dealers, this term was borrowed from philatelists who so describe a new, unused stamp. It began to be transferred to other objects by the 1920s. Iris Murdoch used it in her novel The Flight from the Enchanter (1956): “The books were chaotic, but in mint condition.”See also: mint



1. an ailment or physical disability 2. Lawa. a declaration or provision in a will, contract, etc., that makes some right or liability contingent upon the happening of some event b. the event itself 3. Logic a statement whose truth is either required for the truth of a given statement (a necessary condition) or sufficient to guarantee the truth of the given statement (a sufficient condition) 4. Maths Logic a presupposition, esp a restriction on the domain of quantification, indispensable to the proof of a theorem and stated as part of it


[kən′dish·ən] (mathematics) The product of the norm of a matrix and of its inverse. (petroleum engineering) To change the properties of a drilling mud by introducing additives.

See condition



 [kon-dish´un] 1. to train; to subject to conditioning.2. the state in which an object or person exists.


(kon-dish'ŭn), 1. To train; to undergo conditioning. 2. A certain response elicited by a specifiable stimulus or emitted in the presence of certain stimuli with reward of the response during prior occurrence. 3. Referring to several classes of learning in the behavioristic branch of psychology. [L. conditio, fr. condico, to agree]


(kən-dĭsh′ən)n.1. a. A mode or state of being: We bought a used boat in excellent condition.b. conditions Existing circumstances: Economic conditions have improved. The news reported the latest weather conditions.c. Archaic Social position; rank.2. a. A state of health: Has the patient's condition deteriorated?b. A state of physical fitness: Have you exercised enough to get back into condition?c. A disease or physical ailment: a heart condition.3. a. One that is indispensable to the appearance or occurrence of another; a prerequisite: Compatibility is a condition of a successful marriage.b. One that restricts or modifies another; a qualification: I'll make you a promise but with one condition.4. a. Grammar The dependent clause of a conditional sentence; protasis.b. Logic A proposition on which another proposition depends; the antecedent of a conditional proposition.5. Law a. A provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on the occurrence of an uncertain future event.b. The event itself.tr.v. condi·tioned, condi·tioning, condi·tions 1. a. To make dependent on a condition or conditions: Use of the cabin is conditioned on your keeping it clean.b. To stipulate as a condition: "He only conditioned that the marriage should not take place before his return" (Jane Austen).2. a. To cause to be in a certain condition; shape or influence: "Our modern conceptions of historiography [are] conditioned by Western intellectual traditions" (Carol Meyers).b. To accustom (oneself or another) to something; adapt: had to condition herself to long hours of hard work; conditioned the troops to marches at high altitudes.c. To render fit for work or use: spent weeks conditioning the old car.d. To improve the physical fitness of (the body, for example), as through repeated sessions of strenuous physical activity.e. Psychology To cause (an organism) to respond in a specific manner to a conditioned stimulus in the absence of an unconditioned stimulus.3. To treat (the air in a room, for example) by air-conditioning.4. To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.


(1) A patient’s current physical or mental status.
(2) A disease or illness.
Sports medicine
To undergo endurance training, see there.
Vox populi
noun A state, mode, or state of being; the physical status of the body as a whole or of one of its parts. Usually indicates abnormality.
verb To subject a person or organism to a set of circumstances that increase functionality.


noun A state, mode, or state of being; the physical status of the body as a whole or of one of its parts, usually indicates abnormality. See Medical condition, Permissive condition, Preexisting, condition Pregnancy-related conditions, Qualifying condition, Restrictive condition, Stress-related condition verb To subject a person or organism to a set of circumstances that ↑ functionality Sports medicine Endurance training, see there.


(kŏn-dish'ŭn) 1. To train; to undergo conditioning. 2. behavioral psychology A certain response elicited by a specifiable stimulus or emitted in the presence of certain stimuli with reward of the response during prior occurrence. 3. Referring to several classes of learning in the behavioristic branch of psychology. [L. conditio, fr. condico, to agree]

Patient discussion about condition

Q. What are the other conditions with the symptoms similar to fibromyalgia? A. Other conditions with similar symptoms include polymyalgia rheumatica, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypothyroidism, lupus, sarcoidosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Q. On stopping the medicines his insomnia like condition starts hi all………………my dad is bipolar II and he was on lithium and clonazepam which had put his mania under control, but he sleeps a lot, as he finds his sleep refreshing him; which is due to medicine. On stopping the medicines his insomnia like condition starts and so now he takes his doses in excess to sleep…..we were told not to stop on these medicines……is it all right?A. I agree with the others it is very dangerous to start and stop medications. One has to be weined off Lithium slowly. If your dad is finding that his current doses are not working properly he should be discussing it with his doctor whom will tweak his dosages or change his medications. It is so important to take medications as perscribed. Clonezepam can be addictive so it should be taken exactly as perscribed and monitored. There are other medications in the "pam" family that he can be changed to if the Clonezepam is no longer effective, rather than taking more.
The insomnia syptoms are signs of mania which will happen when he stops taking his medications. If you stop taking medications that are controlling bipolar symptoms the only logical outcome is the return of the bipolar symptoms. I would have him visit his doctor and discuss changing or increasing his doseages if he is finding they are not working effectivly anymore.

Q. What shall I include in my diet to cover the anemic condition and is anemia increases with pregnancy? Hi all. I am in my second week of pregnancy. I am anemic and prefer to have vegetarian diet. What shall I include in my diet to cover the anemic condition and is anemia increases with pregnancy?A. Agree with Maverick's answer above..
Anemia in pregnancy is a very common problem, that's why during your antenatal care, usually your OB-GYn doctor or medical professional will give you iron tablet for supplements.
Unless your anemia is severe, it is unlikely to harm your baby. But iron deficiency has been linked to an increased risk of preterm birth and low birthweight. Anemia can also make you feel more tired than usual during your pregnancy.
You can help lower your risk of anemia by eating foods that contain iron during your entire pregnancy. These foods include:
Poultry (dark meat), Dried fruits (apricots, prunes, figs, raisins, dates), Iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas, Oatmeal, Whole grains, Blackstrap molasses, Liver and other meats, Seafood, Spinach, broccoli, kale and other dark green leafy vegetables, Baked potato with skin, Beans and peas, Nuts and seeds, etc.
Also some fruit that rich in Vitamin C because vitamin C can increase the amount of iron yo

More discussions about condition



A future and uncertain event upon the happening of which certain rights or obligations will be either enlarged, created, or destroyed.

A condition may be either express or implied. An express condition is clearly stated and embodied in specific, definite terms in acontract, lease, or deed, such as the provision in an installment credit contract that, if the balance is paid before a certain date, the debtor's interest will be reduced.

An implied condition is presumed by law based upon the nature of a particular transaction and what would be reasonable to do if a particular event occurred. If a woman leases a hall for a wedding on a certain date, her ability to use the hall is based on its implied continued existence. If the hall burns down before that date, use of the hall is impossible due to fire; therefore, the law would imply a condition excusing the lessor from liability.

In the law of contracts, as well as estates and conveyancing, conditions precedent and subsequent may exist.

A condition precedent must occur before a right accrues. A woman may convey her house to her son based on the condition that the son marry by the age of twenty-five. If the son fails to marry by that age, he has lost his right to the house. Similarly, in contract law, if an agreement is signed by one party and sent to a second party with the intention that it will not become enforceable until the second party signs it, the second party's signature would be a condition precedent to its effectiveness.

A condition subsequent means that a right may be taken away from someone upon the occurrence of a specified event. An owner of property may convey land to a town on the condition that it be used only for church purposes. If the land conveyed is used to build a shopping mall, then ownership would revert to the original owner.

A condition subsequent may also affect a transaction involving a gift. In many states, an engagement ring is regarded as an inter vivos gift to which no conditions are attached. In some states, however, its ownership is considered to be conditioned upon the subsequent marriage of the couple involved; therefore, if a woman does not marry the man who gave her the engagement ring, ownership reverts to him and she must return it to him.

Concurrent conditions are conditions in the law of contracts that each party to the contract must simultaneously perform.


n. a term or requirement stated in a contract, which must be met for the other party to have the duty to fulfill his/her obligations. (See: condition precedent, condition subsequent)


a term, usually in a contract or a unilateral deed like a will, that of itself does nothing but that limits or suspends or provides for the resolution of other terms. A condition precedent is one that must be satisfied before an obligation takes effect. (In Scotland suspensive condition is the term used.) A condition subsequent destroys the obligation (called a resolutive condition in Scotland). In English law there is a technical distinction between terms of a contract: conditions, warranties and ‘intermediate or innominate terms’. Conditions, if breached, give the right to rescission of the contract and damages; warranties, if breached, give a right to damages only; and conditions in the third category are remedied according to the factual consequences following the breach. In Scotland there is no such distinction and the remedies depend upon the materiality of the breach in relation to the contract.

CONDITION, contracts, wills. In its most extended signification, a condition is a clause in a contract or agreement which has for its object to suspend, to rescind, or to modify the principal obligation; or in case of a will, to suspend, revoke, or modify the devise or bequest. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 730. It ii in fact by itself, in many cases, an agreement; and a sufficient foundation as an agreement in writing, for a bill in equity, praying for a specific performance. 2 Burr. 826. In pleading, according to the course of the common law, the bond and its condition are to some intents and purposes, regarded as distinct things. 1 Saund. Rep. by Wms. 9 b. Domat has given a definition of a condition, quoted by Hargrave, in these words: "A condition is any portion or agreement which regulates what the parties have a mind should be done, if a case they foresee should come to pass." Co. Litt. 201 a.
2. Conditions sometimes suspend the obligation; as, when it is to have no effect until they are fulfilled; as, if I bind myself to pay you one thousand dollars on condition that the ship Thomas Jefferson shall arrive in the United States from Havre; the contract is suspended until the arrival of the ship.
3. The condition sometimes rescinds the contract; as, when I sell you my horse, on condition that he shall be alive on the first day of January, and he dies before that time.
4. A condition may modify the contract; as, if I sell you two thousand bushels of corn, upon condition that my crop shall produce that much, and it produces only fifteen hundred bushels.
5. In a less extended acceptation, but in a true sense, a condition is a future and uncertain event, on the existence or non-existence of which is made to depend, either the accomplishment, the modification, or the rescission of an obligation or testamentary disposition.
6. There is a marked difference between a condition and a limitation. When a in is given generally, but the gift may defeated upon the happening of an uncertain event, the latter is called a condition but when it is given to be enjoyed until the event arrives, it is a limitation. See Limitation; Estates. It is not easy to say when a condition will be considered a covenant and when not, or when it will be holden to be both. Platt on Cov. 71.
7. Events foreseen by conditions are of three kinds. Some depend on the acts of the persons who deal together, as, if the agreement should provide that a partner should not join another partnership. Others are independent of the will of the parties, as, if I sell you one thousand bushels of corn,. on condition that my crop shall not be destroyed by a fortuitous event, or act of God. Some depend in part on the contracting parties and partly on the act of God, as, if it be provided that such merchandise shall arrive by a certain day.
8. A condition may be created by inserting the very word condition, or on condition, in the deed or agreement; there are, however, other words that will do so as effectually, as proviso, if, &c. Bac. Ab. Conditions, A.
9. Conditions are of various kinds; 1. as to their form, they are express or implied. This division is of feudal origin. 2 Woodes. Lect. 138. 2. As to their object, they are lawful or unlawful; 3. as to the time when they are to take effect, they are precedent or subsequent; 4. as to their nature, they are possible or impossible 5. as to their operation, they are positive or negative; 6. is to their divisibility, they are copulative or disjunctive; 7. as to their agreement with the contract, they are consistent or repugnant; 8. as to their effect, they are resolutory or suspensive. These will be severally considered.
 10. An express condition is one created by express words; as for instance, a condition in a lease that if the tenant shall not pay the rent at the day, the lessor may reenter. Litt. 328. Vide Reentry.
 11. An implied condition is one created by law, and not by express words; for example, at common law, the tenant for life holds upon the implied condition not to commit waste. Co. Litt. 233, b.
 12. A lawful or legal condition is one made in consonance with the law. This must be understood of the law as existing at the time of making the condition, for no change of the law can change the force of the condition. For example, a conveyance was made to the grantee, on condition that he should not aliens until be reached the age of twenty-five years. Before he acquired this age be aliened, and made a second conveyance after he obtained it; the first deed was declared void, and the last valid. When the condition was imposed, twenty-five was the age of majority in the state; it was afterwards changed to twenty-one. Under these circumstances the condition was held to be binding. 3 Miss., R. 40.
 13. An unlawful or illegal condition is one forbidden by law. Unlawful conditions have for their object, 1st. to do something malum in se, or malum prohibitum; 2d. to omit the performance of some duty required by law 3d. to encourage such act or omission. 1 P. Wms. 189. When the law prohibits, in express terms, the transaction in respect to which the condition is made, and declares it void, such condition is then void; 3 Binn. R. 533; but when it is prohibited, without being declared void, although unlawful, it is not void. 12 S. @ R. 237. Conditions in restraint of marriage are odious, and are therefore held to the utmost rigor and strictness. They are contrary to sound policy, and by the Roman law were all void. 4 Burr. Rep. 2055; 10 Barr. 75, 350; 3 Whart. 575.
 14. A condition precedent is one which must be performed before the estate will vest, or before the obligation is to be performed. 2 Dall. R. 317. Whether a condition shall be considered as precedent or subsequent, depends not on the form or arrangement of the words, but on the manifest intention of the parties, on the fair construction of the contract. 2 Fairf. R. 318; 5 Wend. R. 496; 3 Pet, R. 374; 2 John. R. 148; 2 Cain es, R. 352; 12 Mod. 464; 6 Cowen, R. 627 9 Wheat. R. 350; 2 Virg. Cas. 138 14 Mass. R. 453; 1 J. J. Marsh. R. 591 6 J. J. Marsh. R. 161; 2 Bibb, R. 547 6 Litt. R. 151; 4 Rand. R. 352; 2 Burr. 900
 15. A subsequent condition is one which enlarges or defeats an estate or right, already created. A conveyance in fee, reserving a life estate in a part of the land, and made upon condition that the grantee shall pay certain sums of money at divers times to several persons, passes the fee upon condition subsequent. 6 Greenl. R. 106. See 1 Burr. 39, 43; 4 Burr. 1940. Sometimes it becomes of great importance to ascertain whether the condition is precedent or subsequent. When a precedent condition becomes impossible by the act of God, no estate or right vests; but if the condition is subsequent, the estate or right becomes absolute. Co. Litt. 206, 208; 1 Salk. 170.
 16. A possible condition is one which may be performed, and there is nothing in the laws of nature to prevent its performance.
 17. An impossible condition is one which cannot be accomplished according to the laws of nature; as, to go from the United States to Europe in one day.; such a condition is void. 1 Swift's Dig. 93; 5 Toull. n. 242-247. When a condition becomes impossible by the act of God, it either vests the estate, or does not, as it is precedent or subsequent: when it is the former, no estate vests when the latter, it becomes absolute. Co. Litt. 206, a, 218, a; 3 Pet. R. 374; 1 Hill. Ab. 249. When the performance of the condition becomes impossible by the act of the party who imposed it, the estate is rendered absolute. 5 Rep. 22; 3 Bro. Parl. Cas. 359. Vide 1 Paine's R. 652; Bac. Ab. Conditions, M; Roll. Ab. 420; Co. Litt. 206; 1 Rop. Leg. 505; Swinb. pt. 4, s. 6; Inst. 2, 4, 10; Dig. 28, 7, 1; Id. 44, 7, 31; Code 6, 25, 1; 6 Toull. n. 486, 686 and the article Impossibility.
 18. A positive condition requires that the event contemplated shall happen; as, If I marry. Poth. Ob. part 2, c. 3, art. 1, Sec. 1. 19. A negative condition requires that the event contemplated shall not happen as If I do not marry. Potb. Ob. n. 200.
 20. A copulative condition, is one of several distinct-matters, the whole of which are made precedent to the vesting of an estate or right. In this case the entire condition must be performed, or the estate or right can never arise or take place. 2 Freem. 186. Such a condition differs from a disjunctive condition, which gives to the party the right to perform the one or the other; for, in this case, if one becomes impossible by the act of God, the whole will, in general, be excused. This rule, however, is not without exception. 1 B. & P. 242; Cro. Eliz. 780; 5 Co. 21; 1 Lord Raym. 279. Vide Conjunctive; Disjunctive.
 21. A disjunctive condition is one which gives the party to be affected by it, the right to perform one or the other of two alternatives.
 22. A consistent condition is one which agrees with other parts of the contract.
 23. A repugnant condition is one which is contrary to the contract; as, if I grant to you a house and lot in fee, upon condition that you shall not aliene, the condition is repugnant and void, as being inconsistent with the estate granted. Bac. Ab. Conditions L; 9 Wheat. 325; 2 Ves. jr. 824.
 24. A resolutory condition in the civil law is one which has for its object, when accomplished the revocation of the principal obligation. This condition does not suspend either the existence or the execution of the obligation, it merely obliges the creditor to return what he has received.
 25. A suspensive condition is one which suspends the fulfilment of the obligation until it has been performed; as, if a man bind himself to pay one -hundred dollars, upon condition that the ship Thomas Jefferson shall arrive from Europe. The obligation, in this case, is suspended until the arrival of the ship, when the condition having been performed, the obligation becomes absolute, and it is no longer conditional. A suspensive condition is in fact a condition precedent.
 26. Pothier further divides conditions into potestative, casual and mixed.
 27. A potestative condition is that which is in the power of the person in whose favor it is contracted; as, if I engage to give my neighbor a sum of money, in case he outs down a tree which obstructs my. prospect. Poth. Obl. Pt. 2, c. 3, art. 1, Sec. 1.
 28. A casual condition is one which depends altogether upon chance, and not in the power of the creditor, as the following: if I have children; if I have no children; if such a vessel arrives in the United States, &c. Poth. Ob. n. 201. 29. A mixed condition is one which depends on the will of the creditor and of a third person; as, if you marry my cousin. Poth. Ob. n. 201. Vide, generally, Bouv. Inst. Index, h.t.

CONDITION, persons. The situation in civil society which creates certain relations between the individual, to whom it is applied, and one or more others, from which mutual rights and obligations arise. Thus the situation arising from marriage gives rise to the conditions of husband and wife that of paternity to the conditions of father and child. Domat, tom. 2, liv. 1, tit. 9, s. 1, n. 8.
2. In contracts every one is presume to know the condition of the person with whom he deals. A man making a contract with an infant cannot recover against him for a breach of the contract, on the ground that he was not aware of his condition.



A future and uncertain event that determines whether or not there will be a contractual obligation or liability. Conditions may be express or implied, possible or impossible, lawful or unlawful, affirmative or negative, precedent or subsequent, positive or negative, and, finally, single, copulative,or disjunctive.Each type of condition has different legal consequences.

Examples of the most common types encountered in real estate are

• Express. If the purchaser cannot obtain financing, the purchaser may cancel the contract.

• Implied. If the seller burns down the house the day before closing, the purchaser may cancel the contract.

• Lawful. If the broker produces a buyer willing and able to pay the asking price, the seller will pay a commission of 6 percent of that price.

• Unlawful. If the broker produces a buyer willing and able to pay at least $125,000, the broker will be paid all the purchase price in excess of $125,000.



  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for condition

noun state


  • state
  • order
  • shape
  • nick
  • trim

noun situation


  • situation
  • state
  • position
  • status
  • circumstances
  • plight
  • status quo
  • case
  • predicament

noun requirement


  • requirement
  • terms
  • rider
  • provision
  • restriction
  • qualification
  • limitation
  • modification
  • requisite
  • prerequisite
  • proviso
  • stipulation
  • rule
  • demand

noun health


  • health
  • shape
  • fitness
  • trim
  • form
  • kilter
  • state of health
  • fettle
  • order

noun ailment


  • ailment
  • problem
  • complaint
  • weakness
  • malady
  • infirmity

noun circumstances


  • circumstances
  • situation
  • environment
  • surroundings
  • way of life
  • milieu

verb train


  • train
  • teach
  • educate
  • adapt
  • accustom
  • inure
  • habituate

verb nourish


  • nourish
  • improve
  • feed

phrase on condition that


  • provided that
  • if
  • on the understanding that
  • as long as

Synonyms for condition

noun manner of being or form of existence


  • mode
  • situation
  • state
  • status

noun a state of sound readiness


  • fettle
  • fitness
  • form
  • kilter
  • order
  • shape
  • trim

noun something indispensable


  • essential
  • must
  • necessity
  • need
  • precondition
  • prerequisite
  • requirement
  • requisite
  • sine qua non

noun a restricting or modifying element


  • provision
  • proviso
  • qualification
  • reservation
  • specification
  • stipulation
  • term
  • string

noun existing surroundings that affect an activity


  • circumstance
  • environment
  • scene

verb to make familiar through constant practice or use


  • accustom
  • habituate
  • inure
  • wont

Synonyms for condition

noun a state at a particular time


  • status

Related Words

  • state
  • diversity
  • anchorage
  • health
  • mode
  • ecological niche
  • niche
  • noise conditions
  • participation
  • involvement
  • prepossession
  • regularisation
  • regularization
  • saturation
  • silence
  • situation
  • position
  • ski conditions
  • nomination
  • standardisation
  • standardization
  • stigmatism
  • astigmatism
  • astigmia
  • way
  • circumstance
  • homelessness
  • reinstatement
  • place
  • celibacy
  • virginity
  • innocence
  • sinlessness
  • whiteness
  • pureness
  • purity
  • guilt
  • guiltiness
  • encapsulation
  • polarisation
  • polarization
  • physical condition
  • physiological condition
  • physiological state
  • hyalinisation
  • hyalinization
  • vacuolation
  • vacuolisation
  • vacuolization
  • protuberance
  • curvature
  • mental condition
  • mental state
  • psychological condition
  • psychological state
  • difficulty
  • melioration
  • improvement
  • declination
  • decline
  • ennoblement
  • ascendance
  • ascendancy
  • ascendence
  • ascendency
  • dominance
  • control
  • comfort
  • comfortableness
  • discomfort
  • uncomfortableness
  • need
  • demand
  • fullness
  • emptiness
  • nakedness
  • nudeness
  • nudity
  • depilation
  • hairlessness
  • deshabille
  • dishabille
  • hopefulness
  • despair
  • desperation
  • impureness
  • impurity
  • financial condition
  • economic condition
  • sanitary condition
  • tilth
  • orderliness
  • order
  • disorderliness
  • disorder
  • normalcy
  • normality
  • lactosuria
  • environmental condition
  • climate
  • mood
  • ambiance
  • ambience
  • atmosphere
  • immunity
  • unsusceptibility
  • resistance
  • subservience
  • susceptibility
  • susceptibleness
  • wetness
  • dryness
  • waterlessness
  • xerotes
  • safety
  • danger
  • tautness
  • tenseness
  • tensity
  • tension
  • amyotonia
  • atonia
  • atonicity
  • atony
  • laxity
  • laxness
  • repair
  • soundness
  • muteness
  • mutism
  • eye condition
  • unsoundness
  • impropriety
  • iniquity
  • wickedness
  • dark
  • darkness
  • illumination
  • light
  • malady
  • serration
  • absolution
  • automation
  • brutalisation
  • brutalization
  • condemnation
  • deification
  • diversification
  • exoneration
  • facilitation
  • frizz
  • fruition
  • hospitalization
  • identification
  • impaction
  • ionisation
  • ionization
  • irradiation
  • leakiness
  • lubrication
  • mechanisation
  • mechanization
  • motivation
  • mummification
  • preservation
  • prognathism
  • rustication
  • rustiness
  • scandalisation
  • scandalization
  • submission
  • urbanisation
  • urbanization

noun an assumption on which rests the validity or effect of something else


  • precondition
  • stipulation

Related Words

  • assumption
  • premise
  • premiss
  • boundary condition
  • provision
  • proviso

noun a mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing

Related Words

  • state
  • social stratification
  • stratification
  • ordinary
  • introversion
  • invagination
  • roots
  • lysogenicity
  • lysogeny
  • circumstances
  • luck
  • destiny
  • fate
  • fortune
  • lot
  • portion
  • amphidiploidy
  • diploidy
  • haploidy
  • heteroploidy
  • polyploidy
  • mosaicism
  • orphanage
  • orphanhood
  • stigmatism
  • transsexualism

noun information that should be kept in mind when making a decision


  • consideration
  • circumstance

Related Words

  • information
  • justification
  • mitigating circumstance

noun the state of (good) health (especially in the phrases 'in condition' or 'in shape' or 'out of condition' or 'out of shape')


  • shape

Related Words

  • good health
  • healthiness
  • physical fitness
  • fitness

noun an illness, disease, or other medical problem

Related Words

  • illness
  • sickness
  • unwellness
  • malady

noun (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement


  • term

Related Words

  • plural
  • plural form
  • statement
  • agreement
  • understanding

noun the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition


  • experimental condition

Related Words

  • experiment
  • experimentation
  • procedure
  • process

verb establish a conditioned response

Related Words

  • instruct
  • teach
  • learn

verb develop (children's) behavior by instruction and practice


  • discipline
  • train
  • check

Related Words

  • make grow
  • develop
  • mortify
  • groom
  • train
  • prepare

verb specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement


  • specify
  • stipulate
  • qualify

Related Words

  • contract
  • undertake
  • stipulate
  • provide

verb put into a better state

Related Words

  • ameliorate
  • improve
  • meliorate
  • amend
  • better
  • recondition

verb apply conditioner to in order to make smooth and shiny

Related Words

  • shampoo




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