Death, Accidental

Death, Accidental

Aeschylusdramatist killed when an eagle dropped a turtle on his bald head, thinking it a rock. [Gk. Legend: Brewer Dictionary, 13]Ahab, Captainwhipped out of his boat by a flying harpoonleen. [Am. Lit.: Melville Moby Dick]Bosinney, Philipdistraught by a revelation, is run over in a London fog. [Br. Lit.: The Forsyte Saga]Bridge of San Luis Reyprimitive bridge in Peru breaks, hurling five people to their deaths. [Am. Lit.: Bridge of San Luis Rey]Havisham, Missburned to death in her old house. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Great Expectations]Sikes, Billfleeing pursuers, hangs himself with the rope he was using to escape. [Br. Lit.: Dickens Oliver Twist]Solness, Halyardbecomes dizzy on the tower of his new home and falls to his death. [Nor. Drama: Ibsen The Master Builder in Magill II, 643]Wilson, Myrtleescaping from the house where she has been locked up by her husband, she is killed by a speeding car. [Am. Lit.: Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby]Yeobright, Eustaciafalls into a lake and drowns, as does Wildeve in an attempt to save her. [Br. Lit.: Hardy The Return of the Native]