dual listing

Dual listing

Listing of a security on more than one exchange, thus increasing the competition for bid and offer prices, the liquidity of the securities, and the length of time the stock can be traded daily (if listed on both the east and west coasts.) See: Listed security.

Dual Listing

The practice of listing the same security on two or more stock exchanges. Dual listing is thought to increase liquidity and improve the bid-ask spread for stocks by providing more competition. It can also allow a stock to continue trade after one exchange has closed for the day, but another remains open. However, dual listing is not very common. It should not be confused with multiple listing, which is a term in real estate.

dual listing

The listing of a security on more than one exchange. Many stocks are traded on the New York or the American stock exchanges and on one or more of the regional exchanges. For example, the common stock of General Motors is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but it also enjoys a large amount of activity on regional exchanges. Although dual listing theoretically should improve the liquidity of a stock thereby benefiting investors, most dual listed securities trade chiefly on one exchange.