Brodskii Family

Brodskii Family


Capitalist owners of sugar factories in Russia. The Brodskiis’ first sugar-beet factories were constructed in the 1840’s in Kiev Province.

Izrail’ Markovich Brodskii. The founder of the dynasty. His sons were:

Lazar Izrailevich Brodskii. Owner of sugar factories.

Lev Izrailevich Brodskii. A powerful banking figure; member of the boards of directors of various industrial and commercial enterprises and chief stockholder and managing director of the Aleksandrov and Koriukov sugar refining companies. In the 1880’s the Brodskii family owned directly or indirectly (through participation in other joint-stock companies) nine plants, and by 1912 the number of plants reached 17. The Brodskii family was one of the main organizers of the first sugar syndicate (1887) and a syndicate of refineries (1903). They also were active in the flour-milling, brewing, distilling, and cotton-textile industries.


Gefter, M. Ia. “Iz istorii monopolisticheskogo kapitalizma v Rossii.” In the collection Istoricheskie zapiski, vol. 38. Moscow, 1951.