

单词 feeling



F0068600 (fē′lĭng)n.1. a. The sense of touch: lost feeling in a toe.b. A sensation experienced through this sense: enjoyed the feeling of rain on my face.c. A physical sensation other than one experienced though touch: a feeling of warmth.2. a. An emotion, such as joy or sorrow: a feeling of loss.b. Strong mental agitation or excitement involving the emotions: eyes that showed deep feeling.c. An emotion of affection; a fondness: Does she have feelings for you?3. a. The capacity to experience refined emotions; sensitivity; sensibility: a man of feeling.b. feelings Susceptibility to emotional response; sensibilities: The child's feelings are easily hurt.4. An awareness or impression: He had the feeling that he was being followed.5. An opinion based strongly on emotion; sentiment: voters' feelings on tax reform. See Synonyms at view.6. a. A general impression conveyed by a person, place, or thing: This office has the feeling of a fortress.b. The emotions thought to be conveyed or intended by a work of art: the painting's feeling of anguish.7. a. Appreciative regard or understanding: has no feeling for propriety.b. Intuitive awareness or aptitude; a feel: has a feeling for language.adj.1. Easily moved emotionally; sympathetic: a feeling heart.2. Expressive of sensibility or emotion: a feeling glance.
feel′ing·ly adv.


(ˈfiːlɪŋ) n1. (Physiology) the sense of touch2. (Physiology) a. the ability to experience physical sensations, such as heat, pain, etcb. the sensation so experienced3. (Psychology) a state of mind4. a physical or mental impression: a feeling of warmth. 5. fondness; sympathy: to have a great deal of feeling for someone. 6. an ability to feel deeply: a person of feeling. 7. a sentiment: a feeling that the project is feasible. 8. an impression or mood; atmosphere: the feeling of a foreign city. 9. an emotional disturbance, esp anger or dislike: a lot of bad feeling about the increase in taxes. 10. intuitive appreciation and understanding: a feeling for words. 11. sensibility in the performance of something12. (plural) emotional or moral sensitivity, as in relation to principles or personal dignity (esp in the phrase hurt or injure the feelings of)13. have feelings for to be emotionally or sexually attracted toadj14. sentient; sensitive15. expressing or containing emotion16. warm-hearted; sympathetic ˈfeelingly adv


(ˈfi lɪŋ)

n. 1. the function or the power of perceiving by touch or by any physical sensation not connected with sight, hearing, taste, or smell. 2. a particular sensation of this kind: a feeling of warmth. 3. the general state of consciousness considered independently of particular sensations, thoughts, etc. 4. a consciousness or vague awareness: a feeling of inferiority. 5. an emotion or emotional perception or attitude: a feeling of joy. 6. capacity for emotion, esp. compassion. 7. a sentiment; attitude; opinion: The general feeling was in favor of the proposal. 8. feelings, sensibilities; susceptibilities: to hurt one's feelings. 9. fine emotional endowment. 10. a. emotion or sympathetic perception revealed by an artist in his or her work: a poem without feeling. b. the general impression conveyed by a work: a painting with a romantic feeling. c. sympathetic appreciation, as of music: to play with feeling. adj. 11. sensitive; sentient. 12. readily affected by emotion; sympathetic: a feeling heart. 13. indicating or characterized by emotion: a feeling reply to the charge. [1125–75] feel′ing•ly, adv. feel′ing•ness, n. syn: feeling, emotion, passion, sentiment refer to pleasurable or painful sensations experienced when one is stirred to sympathy, anger, fear, love, grief, etc. feeling is a general term for a subjective point of view as well as for specific sensations: to be guided by feeling rather than by facts; a feeling of pride, of dismay. emotion is applied to an intensified feeling: agitated by emotion. passion is strong or violent emotion, often so overpowering that it masters the mind or judgment: stirred to a passion of anger. sentiment is a mixture of thought and feeling, esp. refined or tender feeling: Recollections are often colored by sentiment.
Noun1.feeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional statesfeeling - the experiencing of affective and emotional states; "she had a feeling of euphoria"; "he had terrible feelings of guilt"; "I disliked him and the feeling was mutual"state - the way something is with respect to its main attributes; "the current state of knowledge"; "his state of health"; "in a weak financial state"affect - the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotionemotion - any strong feelingthing - a persistent illogical feeling of desire or aversion; "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him"glow - a feeling of considerable warmth; "the glow of new love"; "a glow of regret"faintness - a feeling of faintness and of being ready to swoonsoulfulness, soul - deep feeling or emotionpassion, passionateness - a strong feeling or emotionsentiment - tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotioncomplex - (psychoanalysis) a combination of emotions and impulses that have been rejected from awareness but still influence a person's behaviorambivalence, ambivalency - mixed feelings or emotionsapathy - an absence of emotion or enthusiasmdesire - the feeling that accompanies an unsatisfied statesexual urge, sex - all of the feelings resulting from the urge to gratify sexual impulses; "he wanted a better sex life"; "the film contained no sex or violence"pleasure, pleasance - a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience; "he was tingling with pleasure"painfulness, pain - emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid; "the pain of loneliness"pang, stab, twinge - a sudden sharp feeling; "pangs of regret"; "she felt a stab of excitement"; "twinges of conscience"liking - a feeling of pleasure and enjoyment; "I've always had a liking for reading"; "she developed a liking for gin"dislike - a feeling of aversion or antipathy; "my dislike of him was instinctive"gratitude - a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation; "he was overwhelmed with gratitude for their help"ingratitude, ungratefulness - a lack of gratitudeunconcern - a feeling of lack of concernshame - a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guiltpride, pridefulness - a feeling of self-respect and personal worthhumbleness, humility - a humble feeling; "he was filled with humility at the sight of the Pope"amazement, astonishment - the feeling that accompanies something extremely surprising; "he looked at me in astonishment"devastation - the feeling of being confounded or overwhelmed; "her departure left him in utter devastation"expectation - the feeling that something is about to happenlevity - feeling an inappropriate lack of seriousnesssolemnity, gravity - a solemn and dignified feelingsensitiveness, sensitivity - sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)agitation - the feeling of being agitated; not calmcalmness - a feeling of calm; an absence of agitation or excitementfearlessness, bravery - feeling no fearhappiness - emotions experienced when in a state of well-beingsadness, unhappiness - emotions experienced when not in a state of well-beinghope - the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled; "in spite of his troubles he never gave up hope"despair - the feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well; "they moaned in despair and dismay"; "one harsh word would send her into the depths of despair"affection, affectionateness, philia, warmness, warmheartedness, fondness, tenderness, heart - a positive feeling of liking; "he had trouble expressing the affection he felt"; "the child won everyone's heart"; "the warmness of his welcome made us feel right at home"humour, mood, temper, humor - a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"fellow feeling, sympathy - sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)enthusiasm - a feeling of excitement
2.feeling - a vague idea in which some confidence is placed; "his impression of her was favorable"; "what are your feelings about the crisis?"; "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity"; "I had a feeling that she was lying"impression, notion, belief, opinionidea, thought - the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered my mind"presence - the impression that something is present; "he felt the presence of an evil force"effect - an impression (especially one that is artificial or contrived); "he just did it for effect"first blush - at the first glimpse or impression; "at first blush the idea possesses considerable intuitive appeal but on closer examination it fails"hunch, suspicion, intuition - an impression that something might be the case; "he had an intuition that something had gone wrong"
3.feeling - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on peoplefeeling - the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason"flavor, flavour, feel, spirit, smell, look, toneambiance, ambience, atmosphere - a particular environment or surrounding influence; "there was an atmosphere of excitement"Hollywood - a flashy vulgar tone or atmosphere believed to be characteristic of the American film industry; "some people in publishing think of theirs as a glamorous medium so they copy the glitter of Hollywood"Zeitgeist - the spirit of the time; the spirit characteristic of an age or generation
4.feeling - a physical sensation that you experience; "he had a queasy feeling"; "I had a strange feeling in my leg"; "he lost all feeling in his arm"somaesthesia, somatesthesia, somatic sensation, somesthesia - the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"tightness, constriction - a tight feeling in some part of the body; "he felt a constriction in her chest"; "she felt an alarming tightness in her chest"; "emotion caused a constriction of his throat"
5.feeling - the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skinfeeling - the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin; "she likes the touch of silk on her skin"; "the surface had a greasy feeling"tactile sensation, tactual sensation, touch sensation, touchperception - the process of perceivingcreepiness - an uneasy sensation as of insects creeping on your skincutaneous sensation, haptic sensation, skin sensation - a sensation localized on the skin
6.feeling - an intuitive understanding of something; "he had a great feeling for music"intuitive feelingintuition - instinctive knowing (without the use of rational processes)sprachgefuhl - an intuitive feeling for the natural idiom of a language; "Dubyuh has no sprachgefuhl"


noun1. emotion, sentiment Strong feelings of pride welled up in me.2. opinion, view, attitude, belief, point of view, instinct, inclination She has strong feelings about the growth in violence.3. passion, heat, emotion, intensity, warmth, sentimentality a voice that trembles with feeling4. ardour, love, care, affection, warmth, tenderness, fondness, fervour He never lost his feeling for her.5. sympathy, understanding, concern, pity, appreciation, sensitivity, compassion, sorrow, sensibility, empathy, fellow feeling He felt a rush of feeling for the woman.6. sensation, sense, impression, awareness Focus on the feeling of relaxation.7. sense of touch, sense, perception, sensation, feel, touch After the accident he had no feeling in his legs.8. impression, idea, sense, notion, suspicion, consciousness, hunch, apprehension, inkling, presentiment I have a feeling that everything will come right for us.9. atmosphere, mood, aura, ambience, feel, air, quality, vibes (slang) a feeling of opulence and grandeur10. flair, feel, ability, talent, gift, mastery, knack, aptitude He had a lovely tenor voice and a real feeling for music.plural noun emotions, ego, self-esteem, sensibilities, susceptibilities, sensitivities He was afraid of hurting my feelings.adjective1. caring, understanding, soft, sensitive, gentle, tender, sympathetic, compassionate, considerate He is a very warm and feeling person.bad feeling hostility, anger, dislike, resentment, bitterness, distrust, enmity, ill feeling, ill will, upset There's been some bad feeling between them.fellow feeling sympathy, understanding, concern, care, pity, compassion, feeling, empathy There is genuine fellow feeling for the victims.hard feelings resentment, hostility, hatred, malice, acrimony, ill feeling(s) I have no hard feelings towards him.


noun1. A particular sensation conveyed by means of physical contact:feel, touch.2. The faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulation:feel, tactility, touch.3. An act of touching:palpation, touch.4. The capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus:sensation, sense, sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity, sentiment.5. A general cast of mind with regard to something:attitude, sentiment.6. A complex and usually strong subjective response, such as love or hate:affection, affectivity, emotion, sentiment.7. The quality or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive:sensibility, sensitiveness, sensitivity.8. Something believed or accepted as true by a person:belief, conviction, idea, mind, notion, opinion, persuasion, position, sentiment, view.9. A general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic:air, ambiance, atmosphere, aura, feel, mood, smell, tone.10. Intuitive cognition:hunch, idea, impression, intuition, suspicion.adjective1. Cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others:empathetic, empathic, sympathetic, understanding.2. Readily stirred by emotion:emotional, sensitive.


(fiːl) past tense, past participle felt (felt) verb1. to become aware of (something) by the sense of touch. She felt his hand on her shoulder. 感到 感到2. to find out the shape, size, texture etc of something by touching, usually with the hands. She felt the parcel carefully.3. to experience or be aware of (an emotion, sensation etc). He felt a sudden anger. 覺得 觉得4. to think (oneself) to be. She feels sick; How does she feel about her work? 感覺 感觉5. to believe or consider. She feels that the firm treated her badly. 認為 认为ˈfeeler noun (in certain animals, insects etc) an organ for touching, especially one of the two thread-like parts on an insect's head. 觸鬢,觸角 触须,触角 ˈfeeling noun1. power and ability to feel. I have no feeling in my little finger. 感覺 感觉2. something that one feels physically. a feeling of great pain. 感受 感受3. (usually in plural) something that one feels in one's mind. His angry words hurt my feelings; a feeling of happiness. 感情 感情4. an impression or belief. I have a feeling that the work is too hard. 看法 看法5. affection. He has no feeling for her now. 感情 感情6. emotion. He spoke with great feeling. 情感 情感feel as if / as though to have the sensation (physical or mental) or feeling that. I feel as if I am going to be sick; She feels as though she has known him for years. 彷佛覺得 仿佛觉得feel like1. to have the feelings that one would have if one were. I feel like a princess in this beautiful dress; He felt like an idiot (= He felt very foolish). 覺得像...似的 觉得象...似的2. to feel that one would like to (have, do etc). I feel like a drink; Do you feel like going to the cinema? 想要 想要feel one's way to find one's way by feeling. I had to feel my way to the door in the dark. 摸索著走 摸索着走get the feel of to become accustomed to. to get the feel of a new job. 習慣於 习惯于


  • How are you feeling now? → 现在感觉怎样啊?


*feeling (that something is the case)

 and *a feeling about somethinga premonition that [something might happen or be the case]; an intuition about something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) I had a feeling that you might be dropping by this afternoon. I didn't have any facts to support it. I just had a feeling.
  • a gut feeling
  • a sinking feeling
  • a/that sinking feeling
  • bad feeling
  • bad/ill feeling
  • beyond feeling
  • bottle up feelings, to
  • feel (like) (one)self
  • feel (one's) legs
  • feel (one's) oats
  • feel (one's) way
  • feel (something) with (something)
  • feel a draft
  • feel a glow of contentment
  • feel a glow of happiness
  • feel a glow of satisfaction
  • feel about (for someone or something)
  • feel all the feels
  • feel around (for someone or something)
  • feel as if a cat has kittened in (one's) mouth
  • feel at home
  • feel bad
  • feel bad about (something)
  • feel blue
  • feel duty bound to (do something)
  • feel fit
  • feel groovy
  • feel guilty
  • feel hard done-by
  • feel honored
  • feel hot and cold
  • feel it in (one's) bones
  • feel light-headed
  • feel like
  • feel like a million
  • feel like a million bucks
  • feel like a million dollars
  • feel like a new person
  • feel like death
  • feel like death warmed over
  • feel like death warmed up
  • feel like jelly
  • feel like new
  • feel no pain
  • feel on top of the world
  • feel out
  • feel out of humour
  • feel out of place
  • feel out of sorts
  • feel out of things
  • feel pinched
  • feel puny
  • feel sick at heart
  • feel sick to (one's) stomach
  • feel small
  • feel sorry for (oneself)
  • feel strange
  • feel the draught
  • feel the pinch
  • feel the pulse of (something)
  • feel up to (doing something)
  • feeling
  • feeling (one's) moxie
  • feeling no pain
  • feeling OK
  • feeling okay
  • feeling okay?
  • feeling one's Moxie
  • feeling puny
  • funny feeling
  • get the feeling
  • get/have the feeling
  • gut feeling
  • hard feelings
  • have (any/no) feelings about (someone or something)
  • have feelings about
  • have mixed feelings
  • have mixed feelings (about something)
  • have the feeling
  • How are you feeling?
  • How you feeling?
  • hurt feelings
  • I just have this feeling
  • ill feeling
  • mixed feelings
  • no hard feelings
  • not any hard feelings
  • not feel (oneself)
  • not feeling (oneself)
  • not feeling oneself
  • relieve (one's) feelings
  • relieve your feelings
  • sinking feeling
  • sinking feeling, a
  • spare (one's) feelings
  • spare somebody's feelings
  • that feeling when
  • that Monday morning feeling
  • the feeling is mutual



1. the sense of touch 2. a. the ability to experience physical sensations, such as heat, pain, etc. b. the sensation so experienced 3. a state of mind



in psychology, a peculiar type of emotional sensation distinctly object oriented in nature and comparatively stable. Feelings in this sense are related to a person’s perception of some object, concrete or abstract, for example, a feeling of love for a human being or for the motherland. As a stable emotional attitude toward an object, feelings may not correspond to a person’s emotional reaction to that object at a given moment. Human feelings are influenced by culture and history. Specific sign systems, including social symbols, ceremonial rites, and ritual acts, play an important part in the formation of feelings.


  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for feeling

noun emotion


  • emotion
  • sentiment

noun opinion


  • opinion
  • view
  • attitude
  • belief
  • point of view
  • instinct
  • inclination

noun passion


  • passion
  • heat
  • emotion
  • intensity
  • warmth
  • sentimentality

noun ardour


  • ardour
  • love
  • care
  • affection
  • warmth
  • tenderness
  • fondness
  • fervour

noun sympathy


  • sympathy
  • understanding
  • concern
  • pity
  • appreciation
  • sensitivity
  • compassion
  • sorrow
  • sensibility
  • empathy
  • fellow feeling

noun sensation


  • sensation
  • sense
  • impression
  • awareness

noun sense of touch


  • sense of touch
  • sense
  • perception
  • sensation
  • feel
  • touch

noun impression


  • impression
  • idea
  • sense
  • notion
  • suspicion
  • consciousness
  • hunch
  • apprehension
  • inkling
  • presentiment

noun atmosphere


  • atmosphere
  • mood
  • aura
  • ambience
  • feel
  • air
  • quality
  • vibes

noun flair


  • flair
  • feel
  • ability
  • talent
  • gift
  • mastery
  • knack
  • aptitude

noun emotions


  • emotions
  • ego
  • self-esteem
  • sensibilities
  • susceptibilities
  • sensitivities

adj caring


  • caring
  • understanding
  • soft
  • sensitive
  • gentle
  • tender
  • sympathetic
  • compassionate
  • considerate

phrase bad feeling


  • hostility
  • anger
  • dislike
  • resentment
  • bitterness
  • distrust
  • enmity
  • ill feeling
  • ill will
  • upset

phrase fellow feeling


  • sympathy
  • understanding
  • concern
  • care
  • pity
  • compassion
  • feeling
  • empathy

phrase hard feelings


  • resentment
  • hostility
  • hatred
  • malice
  • acrimony
  • ill feeling(s)

Synonyms for feeling

noun a particular sensation conveyed by means of physical contact


  • feel
  • touch

noun the faculty or ability to perceive tactile stimulation


  • feel
  • tactility
  • touch

noun an act of touching


  • palpation
  • touch

noun the capacity for or an act of responding to a stimulus


  • sensation
  • sense
  • sensibility
  • sensitiveness
  • sensitivity
  • sentiment

noun a general cast of mind with regard to something


  • attitude
  • sentiment

noun a complex and usually strong subjective response, such as love or hate


  • affection
  • affectivity
  • emotion
  • sentiment

noun the quality or condition of being emotionally and intuitively sensitive


  • sensibility
  • sensitiveness
  • sensitivity

noun something believed or accepted as true by a person


  • belief
  • conviction
  • idea
  • mind
  • notion
  • opinion
  • persuasion
  • position
  • sentiment
  • view

noun a general impression produced by a predominant quality or characteristic


  • air
  • ambiance
  • atmosphere
  • aura
  • feel
  • mood
  • smell
  • tone

noun intuitive cognition


  • hunch
  • idea
  • impression
  • intuition
  • suspicion

adj cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others


  • empathetic
  • empathic
  • sympathetic
  • understanding

adj readily stirred by emotion


  • emotional
  • sensitive

Synonyms for feeling

noun the experiencing of affective and emotional states

Related Words

  • state
  • affect
  • emotion
  • thing
  • glow
  • faintness
  • soulfulness
  • soul
  • passion
  • passionateness
  • sentiment
  • complex
  • ambivalence
  • ambivalency
  • apathy
  • desire
  • sexual urge
  • sex
  • pleasure
  • pleasance
  • painfulness
  • pain
  • pang
  • stab
  • twinge
  • liking
  • dislike
  • gratitude
  • ingratitude
  • ungratefulness
  • unconcern
  • shame
  • pride
  • pridefulness
  • humbleness
  • humility
  • amazement
  • astonishment
  • devastation
  • expectation
  • levity
  • solemnity
  • gravity
  • sensitiveness
  • sensitivity
  • agitation
  • calmness
  • fearlessness
  • bravery
  • happiness
  • sadness
  • unhappiness
  • hope
  • despair
  • affection
  • affectionateness
  • philia
  • warmness
  • warmheartedness
  • fondness
  • tenderness
  • heart
  • humour
  • mood
  • temper
  • humor
  • fellow feeling
  • sympathy
  • enthusiasm

noun a vague idea in which some confidence is placed


  • impression
  • notion
  • belief
  • opinion

Related Words

  • idea
  • thought
  • presence
  • effect
  • first blush
  • hunch
  • suspicion
  • intuition

noun the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people


  • flavor
  • flavour
  • feel
  • spirit
  • smell
  • look
  • tone

Related Words

  • ambiance
  • ambience
  • atmosphere
  • Hollywood
  • Zeitgeist

noun a physical sensation that you experience

Related Words

  • somaesthesia
  • somatesthesia
  • somatic sensation
  • somesthesia
  • tightness
  • constriction

noun the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin


  • tactile sensation
  • tactual sensation
  • touch sensation
  • touch

Related Words

  • perception
  • creepiness
  • cutaneous sensation
  • haptic sensation
  • skin sensation

noun an intuitive understanding of something


  • intuitive feeling

Related Words

  • intuition
  • sprachgefuhl




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