Acronym | Definition |
BDH➣Bryce Dallas Howard (actress) |
BDH➣Bund Deutscher Hebammen (German: Federation of German Midwives) |
BDH➣Bilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (mathematics) |
BDH➣Burani Designer Holding (Italy) |
BDH➣Big Damn Hero (characters in TV show Firefly/Serenity) |
BDH➣Boule de Haine (French: Ball of Hate) |
BDH➣Birmingham Dental Hospital (UK) |
BDH➣Barbie Dream House (toy) |
BDH➣Brusthöhendurchmesser (German: Chest High Diameter, Forestry) |
BDH➣Brown Daily Herald, Inc. (Brown University; Providence, RI) |
BDH➣Belgian Draft Horse |
BDH➣Bearing, Distance & Heading |
BDH➣Bund Deutscher Haarformer EV (German Hairdressers Association) |