Bruns nystagmus

Bruns nys·tag·mus

(brūnz), a fine, jerking (vestibular) nystagmus on horizontal gaze in one direction, together with a slower, larger amplitude (gaze, paretic) nystagmus on looking in the opposite direction; due to lateral brainstem compression, usually by a cerebellar-pontine angle mass such as an acoustic neuroma.

Bruns ny·stag·mus

(brūnz nis-tag'mŭs) A fine, jerking (vestibular) nystagmus on horizontal gaze in one direction, together with a slower, larger amplitude (gaze, paretic) nystagmus on looking in the opposite direction; due to lateral brainstem compression, usually by a cerebellar-pontine angle mass such as an acoustic neuroma.


Ludwig von, German neurologist, 1858-1916. Bastian-Bruns law - see under BastianBastian-Bruns sign - Synonym(s): Bastian-Bruns lawBruns ataxia - difficulty in moving the feet when they are in contact with the ground; a condition related to a frontal lobe lesion.Bruns nystagmus - due to lateral brainstem compression, usually by a cerebellopontine angle mass such as an acoustic neuroma.Bruns syndrome - lesions of cerebral fourth ventricle cause symptoms of headache, vertigo, and vomiting; if head position is altered, the patient may fall.