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anastomosis [ah-nas″to-mo´sis] (pl. anastomo´ses) (Gr.) 1. communication between two tubular organs.2. surgical, traumatic, or pathologic formation of a connection between two normally distinct structures. adj., adj anastomot´ic.arteriovenous anastomosis anastomosis between an artery and a vein. Simple arteriovenous anastomosis. From Dorland's, 2000. arteriovenous shunt.crucial anastomosis an arterial anastomosis in the upper part of the thigh, formed by the anastomotic branch of the sciatic artery, the internal circumflex artery, and the first perforating and transverse portions of the external circumflex artery.end-to-end anastomosis 1. an anastomosis connecting the end of an artery and that of some other vessel, either directly or with a synthetic graft.2. anastomosis of two sections of colon, such as with partial colectomy or when an ileostomy is closed.end-to-side anastomosis an anastomosis connecting the end of one vessel with the side of a larger one.heterocladic anastomosis one between branches of different arteries.ileorectal anastomosis surgical anastomosis of the ileum and rectum after total colectomy, as is sometimes performed in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.intestinal anastomosis establishment of a communication between two formerly distant portions of the intestine.cru·ci·ate a·nas·to·mo·sis , crucial anastomosisa four-way anastomosis between branches of the first perforating branch of the deep femoral, inferior gluteal, and medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries, located posterior to the upper part of the femur. Formerly described as common, investigations show it rarely occurs in the four-way "cross" pattern.cru·ci·ate a·nas·to·mo·sis , crucial anastomosis (krū'shē-āt ă-nas'tŏ-mō'sis, krū'shăl) A four-way anastomosis between branches of the first perforating branch of the deep femoral, inferior gluteal, and medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries, located posterior to the upper part of the femur. crucial anastomosisAn arterial anastomosis on the back of the thigh, formed by the medial femoral circumflex, inferior gluteal, lateral femoral circumflex, and first perforating arteries. See also: anastomosis |