enterohepatic circulation

en·ter·o·he·pat·ic cir·cu·la·tion

circulation of substances such as bile salts that are absorbed from the intestine and carried to the liver, where they are secreted into the bile and again enter the intestine.

enterohepatic circulation

(ĕn′tə-rō-hĭ-păt′ĭk)n. Circulation of substances such as bile salts, which are absorbed from the intestine and carried to the liver, where they are secreted into the bile and again enter the intestine.

en·ter·o·he·pat·ic cir·cu·la·tion

(en'tĕr-ō-hĕ-pat'ik sĭr'kyū-lā'shŭn) Absorption from the intestine of hepatic products, notably bile salts, by the portal system; secreted again in bile, these may be recycled several times.

enterohepatic circulation

The absorption of bile from the intestine and its return to the liver to be resecreted into the bowel.