external cuneate nucleus

ac·ces·so·ry cu·ne·ate nu·cle·us

[TA] a cell group lateral to the cuneate nucleus that receives posterior-root fibers corresponding to the proprioceptive innervation of the arm and hand; it projects to the cerebellum by way of the cuneocerebellar tract, and can be considered the upper-extremity equivalent of the thoracic nucleus. Synonym(s): nucleus cuneatus accessorius [TA], external cuneate nucleus, lateral cuneate nucleus, Monakow nucleus

external cuneate nucleus

A secondary sensory nucleus in the caudal hindbrain lying along the lateral edge of the cuneate nucleus. It receives proprioceptive information from the upper half of the body, it is the source of the cuneocerebellar tract, and it is the homologue of the nucleus called "Clarke column", which receives proprioceptive information from the lower half of the body. Synonym: accessory cuneate nucleus; lateral cuneate nucleusSee also: nucleus