

(kŏn`rədĭn), 1252–68, duke of Swabia, titular king of Jerusalem and Sicily, the last legitimate HohenstaufenHohenstaufen
, German princely family, whose name is derived from the castle of Staufen built in 1077 by a Swabian count, Frederick. In 1079, Frederick married Agnes, daughter of Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, and was created duke of Swabia.
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, son of Holy Roman Emperor Conrad IVConrad IV,
1228–54, German king (1237–54), king of Sicily and of Jerusalem (1250–54), son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II. He was elected (1237) king of the Romans at his father's instigation after Frederick had deposed Conrad's older brother Henry in
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. While Conradin was still a child in Germany, his uncle ManfredManfred
, c.1232–1266, king of Sicily (1258–66), the last Hohenstaufen on that throne. An illegitimate son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, Manfred was regent in Sicily for his brother Conrad IV.
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 made himself (1258) king of Sicily. When Manfred died the kingdom was seized (1266) by Charles ICharles I
(Charles of Anjou), 1227–85, king of Naples and Sicily (1266–85), count of Anjou and Provence, youngest brother of King Louis IX of France. He took part in Louis's crusades to Egypt (1248) and Tunisia (1270).
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 (Charles of Anjou). Young Conradin went to Italy in an attempt to recover his kingdom. Several cities rallied to his support, but he was defeated (1268) by Charles at Tagliacozzo. He was captured and executed at Naples.