Buck extension

Buck trac·tion

(bŭk), apparatus for applying longitudinal skin traction on the leg through contact between the skin and adhesive tape; friction between the tape and skin permits application of force, which is applied through a cord over a pulley, suspending a weight; elevation of the foot of the bed allows the body to act as a counterweight. Synonym(s): Buck extension

Buck ex·ten·sion

(bŭk eks-ten'shŭn) Apparatus for applying longitudinal skin traction on the leg through contact between the skin and adhesive tape.

Buck extension

(buk) [Gurdon Buck, U.S. surgeon, 1807–1877] A method of producing traction by applying regular or flannel-backed adhesive tape to the skin and keeping it in smooth close contact by circular bandaging of the part to which it is applied. The adhesive strips are aligned with the long axis of the arm or leg, the superior ends being about 1 in. (2.5 cm) from the fracture site. Weights sufficient to produce the required extension are fastened to the inferior end of the adhesive strips by a rope that is run over a pulley to permit free motion. Synonym: Buck's traction


Gurdon, U.S. surgeon, 1807-1877. Buck extension - apparatus for applying longitudinal skin traction on the leg. Synonym(s): Buck tractionBuck extension barBuck extension frameBuck extension splintBuck fascia - a deep layer which surrounds the three erectile bodies of the penis. Synonym(s): fascia penis profundaBuck femoral cement restrictor inserterBuck fracture applianceBuck hookBuck knee braceBuck methodBuck osteotomeBuck plugBuck traction - Synonym(s): Buck extensionBuck tractor