释义 |
final approach segment final approach segment The segment of an instrument approach procedure in which the alignment and descent for landing are accomplished (ICAO). It begins at the final approach fix and ends at the missed approach point. The final approach can be to a runway for a straight-in landing or to an aerodrome for a visual maneuver. In the case of a precision approach (instrument/microwave landing system—ILS/MLS), the final approach segment begins at the final approach point. This is a point in space on the centerline of the localizer, or the MLS, azimuth specified for the final approach track where the intermediate approach altitude or height intersects the nominal glide-path, or MLS, elevation angle. Generally, this happens at heights from 300 m (1000 ft) to 900 m (3000 ft) above the runway elevation. In that case, on a 3° glide-path, or MLS, elevation angle, interception occurs between 9 km (3 NM) and 19 km (10 NM) from the threshold. Descent below the fix crossing altitude, or height, should not be made prior to crossing the fix. |