Dolin, Boris Genrikhovich
Dolin, Boris Genrikhovich
Born July 20 (Aug. 2), 1903, in Sumy. Soviet film director. People’s Artist of the RSFSR since 1958.
In 1928, Dolin graduated from the B. V. Chaikovskii Film School. In 1929 he began to work in films. In 1936 he became a director for Central Scientific Films. He directed a series of popular scientific films: In the Depths of the Sea (1938), The Law of Great Love (1944, in collaboration with A. M. Zguridi), Along an Animal Path (1947), and Winged Protection (1953).
Dolin’s most notable science fiction films are Story of a Ring (1948), The Gray Robber (1956), Blind Bird (1963), A Marvellous Story, Similar to a Fairy Tale (1966), and King of the Mountain and Others (1970). Since 1953 he has taught at the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography, where he became a professor in 1966. Since 1959 he has headed a studio for children’s scientific films in Central Scientific Films and has managed the production of the children’s newsreels Khochu vse znat’ (I Want to Know Everything).
Dolin won the State Prize of the USSR in 1946 and 1950 and the Lomonosov Prize in 1968. He has been awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
Okhota s kinoapparatom. Moscow, 1951.Okhota bez vystrela. Moscow, 1969.