

 [for-ma´shun] 1. the process of giving shape or form; the creation of an entity, or of a structure of definite shape.2. a structure of definite shape.chiasma formation the process by which a chiasma is formed; it is the cytologic basis of genetic recombination, or crossing over.compromise formation in psychoanalysis a substituted idea or act representing and permitting partial expression of a repressed conflict.concept formation the ability to organize a variety of information to form thoughts and ideas, a cognitive performance component in occupational therapy.reaction formation a defense mechanism in which a person adopts conscious attitudes, interests, or feelings that are the opposites of unconscious feelings, impulses, or wishes. For example, a person may use revulsion or repugnance to defend against an unconscious desire or attraction.


, pl.


(fōr-mā'shē-ō, fōr-mā-shē-ō'nēz), [TA] 1. Synonym(s): formation2. A structure of definite shape or cellular arrangement. [L. fr. formo, pp. -atus, to form]


A Latin term for a structure with a definite shape; it is rarely used in the working medical parlance.


, pl. formationes (fōr-mā'shē-ō, -ō'nēz) [TA] 1. Synonym(s): formation. 2. A structure of definite shape or cellular arrangement. [L. fr. formo, pp. -atus, to form]