bulb of vestibule


 [bulb] a rounded mass or enlargement. adj., adj bul´bar.bulb of aorta the enlargement of the aorta at its point of origin from the heart.auditory bulb the membranous labyrinth and cochlea.bulb of eye eyeball.gustatory b's taste buds.hair bulb the bulbous expansion at the proximal end of a hair, in which the hair shaft is generated.inferior bulb of jugular vein a dilatation of the internal jugular vein just before it joins the brachiocephalic vein.Krause's bulb end-bulb.olfactory bulb the bulblike expansion of the olfactory tract on the under surface of the frontal lobe of each cerebral hemisphere.bulb of penis bulb of urethra.superior bulb of jugular vein a dilatation at the beginning of the internal jugular vein.taste b's taste buds.bulb of urethra the enlarged proximal part of the corpus spongiosum.bulb of vestibule (vestibulovaginal bulb) a body consisting of paired masses of erectile tissue, situated one on either side of the vaginal orifice.

bulb of ves·ti·bule

[TA] a mass of erectile tissue on either side of the vagina united anterior to the urethra by the commissure of bulbs. Synonym(s): bulbus vestibuli vaginae [TA]

bulb of ves·ti·bule

(bŭlb ves'ti-byūl) [TA] A mass of erectile tissue on either side of the vagina united anterior to the urethra by the commissure of bulbs (of vestibule).