Acronym | Definition |
CSP➣Commerce Service Provider |
CSP➣Corrugated Steel Pipe |
CSP➣Content(s) Service Provider |
CSP➣Conservation Security Program |
CSP➣Concentrating Solar Power |
CSP➣Constraint-Satisfaction Problem |
CSP➣Centre for Suicide Prevention (Canada) |
CSP➣Content Security Policy (cybersecurity) |
CSP➣Cryptographic Service Provider |
CSP➣Cloud Service Provider (computing) |
CSP➣Certified Safety Professional (BCSP) |
CSP➣Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (UK) |
CSP➣Chip Scale Package |
CSP➣Converged Services Platform |
CSP➣Communicating Sequential Processes |
CSP➣Certified Speaking Professional (National Speaker's Association) |
CSP➣Colorado State Patrol |
CSP➣Commonwealth Supported Place (Australian program for tertiary education) |
CSP➣Center for the Study of the Presidency (New York City, NY) |
CSP➣Circumsporozoite Protein (biological chemistry) |
CSP➣Catégories Socioprofessionnelles (French: Occupational Status) |
CSP➣Chiral Stationary Phase |
CSP➣Custom & Speed Parts (Germany) |
CSP➣Center for Security Policy |
CSP➣Community Safety Partnership (UK) |
CSP➣Computer Society Press (IEEE) |
CSP➣Code de la Santé Publique (French: Code of Public Health) |
CSP➣Custer State Park (South Dakota) |
CSP➣Center for Space Physics (Boston University) |
CSP➣Charles Sanders Peirce (scientist) |
CSP➣Chip-Size Package |
CSP➣Cavum Septum Pellucidum |
CSP➣California State Parks |
CSP➣Construction Safety Products (various locations) |
CSP➣Contractor Safety Program (various businesses) |
CSP➣Community Support Program |
CSP➣Certification Service Provider |
CSP➣Connecticut State Police |
CSP➣Clinical Study Protocol |
CSP➣Charter School Program |
CSP➣Certified Scrum Practitioner (software development) |
CSP➣Common Spatial Pattern |
CSP➣Certified Sales Professional |
CSP➣Commission Scolaire des Patriotes (Canadian school board) |
CSP➣Community Strategic Plan (US DoD education activity) |
CSP➣Clavinova Smart Piano (Yamaha) |
CSP➣Cutting Stock Problem (operations research) |
CSP➣California State Prison |
CSP➣Central Solar Power |
CSP➣Caché Server Pages (InterSystems) |
CSP➣Client Server Protocol (computing) |
CSP➣Cold Shock Protein (biomolecular science) |
CSP➣Civil Service of Pakistan (est. 1950) |
CSP➣Centre St. Pierre (Canadian education center) |
CSP➣County Sports Partnerships (UK) |
CSP➣Community Service Plan (various organizations) |
CSP➣Cross System Product |
CSP➣Chip Size Packaging |
CSP➣Creative Signal Processor |
CSP➣C++ Server Pages |
CSP➣Cryptographic Signal Processor |
CSP➣Corel Service Bureau Profile |
CSP➣Certified Security Practitioner |
CSP➣Customer Service Program |
CSP➣Certified Solution Provider |
CSP➣Certified Service Professional |
CSP➣Converged Service Provider |
CSP➣Client Side Persistence |
CSP➣Character Shape Player |
CSP➣Certification Service Practices |
CSP➣Cumulative Security Patch |
CSP➣Control Sequence Prefix |
CSP➣Computer Support |
CSP➣Communication Sequential Process |
CSP➣Client Side Processing |
CSP➣Certified Staffing Professional |
CSP➣Country Strategy Paper |
CSP➣California Staffing Professionals |
CSP➣Completely Self Protected (transformers) |
CSP➣C Street Prepared (cars) |
CSP➣Centre Spécialités Pharmaceutiques (French: Pharmaceutical Specialities Center) |
CSP➣Cholangite Sclérosante Primitive (French: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis; disease) |
CSP➣Constrained Shortest Path (mathematics) |
CSP➣Community Service Project |
CSP➣Crew Scheduling Problem (transportation algorithm) |
CSP➣Communications Service Provider |
CSP➣Corporate Sustainability Performance |
CSP➣Center for Surrogate Parenting (various locations) |
CSP➣Circonscription de Sécurité Publique (French police public safety district) |
CSP➣Council Shoulder Patch (Boy Scouts of America) |
CSP➣Chesapeake Science Point (Hanover, MD) |
CSP➣Compulsive Skin Picking |
CSP➣Center for Student Progress (Youngstown State University; Youngstown, OH) |
CSP➣Crypto Service Provider |
CSP➣Carbon Sequestration Project (various organizations) |
CSP➣Comprehensive Strategic Plan (various organizations) |
CSP➣Council on Spiritual Practices |
CSP➣Certified Systems Professional |
CSP➣Cysteine String Protein |
CSP➣Cambridge Science Park (UK) |
CSP➣Corporate Social Performance |
CSP➣Centre for Signal Processing |
CSP➣Central Security Patrols (Japan) |
CSP➣Continued Service Plan (insurance) |
CSP➣Continuous Savings Plan (finance) |
CSP➣Canadian Staging Professionals (Minnesota) |
CSP➣Citizen Service Platform (Microsoft) |
CSP➣Christian Service Program (various locations) |
CSP➣Child Safety and Protection |
CSP➣Caribbean Stud Poker (gambling) |
CSP➣Commercial Sales Practice |
CSP➣Cervical Screening Program |
CSP➣Clinical Services Plan (various locations) |
CSP➣Customer Satisfaction Project (various companies) |
CSP➣Customer Service Professional |
CSP➣Certified Service Partner |
CSP➣Cross System Product (IBM) |
CSP➣Club Sportif Pertuisien (French sports club) |
CSP➣Customer Support Program |
CSP➣Chief Specialist (rank; US Navy) |
CSP➣Country Strategic Plan |
CSP➣Committee on Science Policy (various organizations) |
CSP➣Center for the Study of Philanthropy |
CSP➣Customer Service Provider |
CSP➣Common Security Protocol |
CSP➣Community Scholars Program (various universities) |
CSP➣Conservation Science and Policy (US FWS) |
CSP➣Child Survival Project |
CSP➣Career Services and Placement (various organizations) |
CSP➣Cold Spare |
CSP➣Chief of Security Police |
CSP➣Collectif Sans Papiers (French: Undocumented Collective) |
CSP➣Corporación de Seguridad Privada (Spanish: Private Security Corporation) |
CSP➣Custom Solutions Provider (software) |
CSP➣Canadian Studies Program (various schools) |
CSP➣Collaborative Signal Processing |
CSP➣Chemical Substances and Preparations (hazardous materials) |
CSP➣Centre de Service Partagés (French: Shared Service Center) |
CSP➣Community Service Provider |
CSP➣Criticality Safety Program (US Department of Energy) |
CSP➣Competitive Sealed Proposal |
CSP➣Customer Service Profile |
CSP➣Conseils Services Prestations (French cleaning company) |
CSP➣Canadian Stock Photos (intellectual property) |
CSP➣Customer Support Portal |
CSP➣Continuous Speech Processing |
CSP➣Computer Society of Pakistan |
CSP➣Contracting Support Plan (US DoD) |
CSP➣Court Statistics Project |
CSP➣Christlichsoziale Partei (German: Christian Social Party; Germany) |
CSP➣Community System Provider (shipping) |
CSP➣Community Sports Park (various locations) |
CSP➣Cellular Service Provider |
CSP➣Competitive Service Provider |
CSP➣Clay Smear Potential (geology) |
CSP➣Corporate Strategic Plan |
CSP➣Central Superior Service of Pakistan |
CSP➣Computational Singular Perturbation |
CSP➣Compucom Speed Protocol |
CSP➣Coin Sent Paid (Bellcore) |
CSP➣Cornish Stannary Parliament (UK) |
CSP➣Community Strategic Partnership (UK) |
CSP➣Cryptologic Support Package (US DoD) |
CSP➣Centre Spécialisé de la Propreté (French cleaning company) |
CSP➣Career Sea Pay |
CSP➣Crime Stoppers Program (various locations) |
CSP➣College Search Program |
CSP➣Colorado State Publications (Denver, CO) |
CSP➣Cash Settlement Price (finance) |
CSP➣Comprehensive Studies Program |
CSP➣Commercial Subroutine Package |
CSP➣Cab Service Prestige (French taxi company) |
CSP➣Communications Support Processor |
CSP➣Cost, Schedule and Performance |
CSP➣Constituent Services Portal (Georgia) |
CSP➣Cased Secant Piling (construction) |
CSP➣Coordinated Studies Program (higher education) |
CSP➣Cigarette Surveillance Program (Tennessee) |
CSP➣Customer Service Platform |
CSP➣Chicano Student Program (University of California, Riverside) |
CSP➣Board Certified Specialist in Pediatric Nutrition |
CSP➣Community Supported Publishing (South End Press) |
CSP➣Crisis Staffing Procedures (JCS (Joint Chiefs of Staff); US DoD) |
CSP➣Counterintelligence Scope Polygraph (US DoD) |
CSP➣Cleveland Scholarship Programs, Inc. |
CSP➣Client Site Processor |
CSP➣Contractual Sick Pay |
CSP➣Critical Security Parameter |
CSP➣Computer Service Provider (Direct Web) |
CSP➣Chief Superintendent of Police |
CSP➣Combined Sensor Program (US NOAA) |
CSP➣Canadian Softwood Plywood (plywood grade) |
CSP➣Causeway Section, Powered |
CSP➣California Society of Periodontists |
CSP➣Citizens for Sun Protection |
CSP➣Concurrent Spare Parts |
CSP➣Control Switching Point |
CSP➣Company Secretarial Practice Supplement (book) |
CSP➣Contract Signing Protocol |
CSP➣Center for Somatic Psychotherapy (San Francisco, CA) |
CSP➣Concrete Slab Prestressed |
CSP➣Common Signal Processor |
CSP➣Chèque Sans-Provision (French: NSF Cheque) |
CSP➣Complex Source Point |
CSP➣Combat Security Police (USAF) |
CSP➣Call Service Position |
CSP➣Club Success Plan (Toastmasters) |
CSP➣Commission on Systematics in Petrology (IUGS) |
CSP➣Communications System Processor |
CSP➣Certified Hotel Sales Professional (Institut für Hotelmanagement GmbH) |
CSP➣Constant Speed Propeller |
CSP➣Component Service Provider (providing functionality components, rather than full applications) |
CSP➣Compounded Sterile Product |
CSP➣Control and Status Panel (Sprint) |
CSP➣Commander Submarine Force, Pacific Fleet |
CSP➣Citizen Soldier Program |
CSP➣Casual Sex Partner |
CSP➣Cross Section Polisher |
CSP➣Computer Support Program |
CSP➣Capacity Service Provider |
CSP➣College Store Professional (National Associationn of College Stores college bookstores professional designation) |
CSP➣Certified Sociological Practitioner |
CSP➣Comprehensive Site Plan |
CSP➣Civilization Sequence Program |
CSP➣Corresponding States Principle |
CSP➣Cycle Slip Prevention (Hittite Microwave Corp.) |
CSP➣Coastal Storms Project (NOAA) |
CSP➣Center for Social Partnership |
CSP➣Coherent Signal Processor |
CSP➣Channelized Signal Processor |
CSP➣Computer Security Plan |
CSP➣Comprehensive Status Proposal (UN) |
CSP➣Collaborative Service Planning |
CSP➣Communications Security Publication |
CSP➣Common SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) Processor |
CSP➣Client Supplied Product |
CSP➣Congregation of St. Paul, Paulists (religious order) |
CSP➣Critical Safety Process |
CSP➣Contract Strategy Paper |
CSP➣Career and Succession Planning (human resources) |
CSP➣Certification Survey Plan |
CSP➣Communications Services Processor (Bellcore) |
CSP➣Communications Sequential Processor |
CSP➣Cook Street Project (band) |
CSP➣Cotton-Seed Pellets |
CSP➣Cadet Sight Picture (USAF Academy) |
CSP➣CONUS Support Package |
CSP➣Competitive Service Platform (Nortel) |
CSP➣Copy Service Plan |
CSP➣Commercial Space Package |
CSP➣Communications Shelf Processor (Alcatel) |
CSP➣Command-response Scenario Pattern |
CSP➣Control Screener Position |
CSP➣Contractor Spares Package |
CSP➣Contract Support Program |
CSP➣Canadian Specialists Program |
CSP➣Cyber Security Practitioner |
CSP➣Cryptographic/Communications Security Program |
CSP➣Convoy Stopping Point (military) |
CSP➣Converged Service Provision |
CSP➣Commence Search Point/Pattern |
CSP➣Common Support Pool |
CSP➣Cloud Suite Portal (computing) |
CSP➣Communications Security Pamphlet |
CSP➣Contingency Support Package/Plan |
CSP➣Custom Support Plan |
CSP➣Certified Surveillance Professional (International Association of Certified Surveillance Professionals) |
CSP➣Converged Services Portal (generic name for voice over IP mediation device used by CableLabs) |
CSP➣Communication System Simulator |
CSP➣Complexity of Simple Programs (University College Cork, Ireland) |