bullhead tee
bullhead tee
bullhead tee, bullheaded tee
bullhead tee, 2
In plumbing, a pipe tee which is connected to a branch that is longer than the main run.
A plumbing tee which has an outlet larger than the opening on the run.
you goin' my way
you goin' my way?
you got it
you got it!
you got me beat
you got me there
you gotta be kiddin'
you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet
you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelette
you got that?
you got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet
you got to crack a few eggs to make an omelette
you got to do what you got to do
you guys
you guys bitchin’?
you had better be going
you had better believe it
you had better believe it!
you had better get moving
you had better get on your horse
you had better keep quiet about it
you had better keep still about it
you had me worried
you had one job
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