digitalis tincture

dig·i·tal·is tinc·ture

an hydroalcoholic solution containing the glycosides of the leaves of the foxglove (digitalis) plant Digitalis purpurea or D. lanata. Although digitalis preparations are used extensively, they are currently used as the pure glycosides, digoxin and digitoxin. The tincture was formerly widely used but was standardized by bioassay using frogs, cats, or pigeons.

dig·i·tal·is tinc·ture

(diji-talis tingkshŭr) An hydroalcoholic solution containing the glycosides of the leaves of the foxglove (digitalis) plant Digitalis purpurea or D. lanata. Although digitalis preparations are used extensively, they are currently used as the pure glycosides, digoxin and digitoxin.