bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma

bul·lous con·gen·i·tal ich·thy·o·si·form e·ryth·ro·der·ma

diffusely red, eroded skin at birth, with subsequent scaling, tending to improve in later life, characterized by generalized epidermolytic hyperkeratosis and autosomal dominant inheritance.
See also: epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.
Synonym(s): generalized epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, ichthyismus hystrix, ichthyosis hystrix

bul·lous con·gen·i·tal ich·thy·o·si·form e·ryth·ro·der·ma

(bul'ŭs kŏn-jen'i-tăl ik'thē-ō'si-fōrm ĕ-rith'rō-dĕr'mă) Diffusely red, eroded skin at birth, with subsequent scaling, tending to improve in later life, characterized by generalized epidermolytic hyperkeratosis.