Bumba-Meu-Boi Folk Drama

Bumba-Meu-Boi Folk Drama

June, including June 24, St. John's DayThe Bumba-Meu-Boi is a Brazilian folk drama that is popular in Brazil and especially noteworthy in cities and small towns in the state of Maranhão. The play tells the story of a bull (or, in some versions, an ox) that is slain and then brought back to life. The characters include a sea captain riding a wicker hobby-horse, the bull or ox, the cowboys Chico and Birico, Catirina (the pregnant wife of Chico), the Doctor, and the Chorus. A colorful procession announces the arrival of the players, who sometimes stage playful attacks on the spectators lining the streets. Performances usually take place in a room of the house belonging to the most important family in town, or else in front of a church or in the town's main square.
Government of Maranhao, State Department of Tourism
Rua da Palma
Centro, Brazil
FolkWrldHol-1999, p. 389