Acronym | Definition |
APA➣American Psychological Association |
APA➣American Psychiatric Association |
APA➣Automobile Protection Association (Canada) |
APA➣American Planning Association |
APA➣Adirondack Park Agency (Ray Brook, NY) |
APA➣American Payroll Association |
APA➣Administrative Procedure Act (US) |
APA➣Asian Pacific American |
APA➣Advertising Photographers of America |
APA➣American Pale Ale (beer) |
APA➣American Philosophical Association |
APA➣Audio Publishers Association |
APA➣Allied Pilots Association |
APA➣Allocation Personnalisée d'Autonomie (French: Custom Allocation of Autonomy) |
APA➣American Philological Association |
APA➣Audio Power Amplifier |
APA➣Animal Protection Agency (various locations) |
APA➣Alpha Phi Alpha (fraternity) |
APA➣Austria Presse Agentur (Austrian National News Agency) |
APA➣Advance Pricing Agreement |
APA➣American Poolplayers Association |
APA➣American Plywood Association (now the Engineered Wood Association) |
APA➣Adult Parole Authority (Ohio) |
APA➣Air Power Australia (est. 2004; think tank) |
APA➣Affine Projection Algorithm |
APA➣Adapted Physical Activity |
APA➣Action Potential Amplitude (cardiology) |
APA➣Asset Purchase Agreement (acquisitions) |
APA➣Advanced Park Assist (vehicle feature) |
APA➣Association of Personal Assistants |
APA➣Asia Pacific Arts |
APA➣Australian Postgraduate Awards |
APA➣Administrative Personnel Association (Presbyterian Church) |
APA➣Access Path Attention |
APA➣Adaptec Portable Adapter |
APA➣Agenzia Pratiche Auto (Italian: Practical Car Agency) |
APA➣Academic Programs Abroad (various locations) |
APA➣American Polygraph Association |
APA➣Associate in Premium Auditing (insurance) |
APA➣Associazione Provinciale Allevatori (Italian: Provincial Breeders Association) |
APA➣Allied Professional Association |
APA➣Auto Port Aggregation |
APA➣Alabama Press Association |
APA➣Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma |
APA➣Alabama Pharmacy Association |
APA➣Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina |
APA➣Amphibious Transport |
APA➣All Points Addressable |
APA➣Assistant Prosecuting Attorney |
APA➣Ambulatory Pediatric Association |
APA➣Amateur Press Association (amateur fantasy & science fiction writers group) |
APA➣American Psychotherapy Association |
APA➣Association of Publishing Agencies (trade body) |
APA➣Association of Police Authorities |
APA➣American Poultry Association |
APA➣Antiphospholipid Antibody |
APA➣American Pyrotechnics Association |
APA➣Amerindian Peoples Association |
APA➣Airline Partners Australia (consortium) |
APA➣American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington, DC) |
APA➣Anglican Province of America |
APA➣Australian Parkour Association (training) |
APA➣Agricultural Production Area (various locations) |
APA➣Auto Pixel Alignment |
APA➣Administrative Process Act (Virginia) |
APA➣Animated Pedagogical Agent (computing) |
APA➣At-Sea Processors Association (trade association) |
APA➣Asphalt Pavement Alliance |
APA➣America's Promise Alliance |
APA➣American Protective Association |
APA➣Adverse Personnel Action (various organizations) |
APA➣Alkaline Phosphatase Activity |
APA➣Architectural Precast Association |
APA➣Amputee Coalition of America |
APA➣Accessibility Professionals Association (Austin, TX) |
APA➣Asociación de Padres de Alumnos (Spain) |
APA➣Accredited Pension Administrator (National Institute of Pension Administrators) |
APA➣Anti-Platelet Agent (atherothrombosis) |
APA➣American Paralysis Association |
APA➣Animal Pedigree Act (Canada) |
APA➣Aboriginal Public Administration (Canada) |
APA➣Association Pour l'Autobiographie |
APA➣Arts Projects Australia (Adelaide, Australia) |
APA➣Asian Polymer Association (India) |
APA➣Accident Prone Area |
APA➣Aldosterone-Producing Adenoma |
APA➣American Pilots Association |
APA➣Academy for the Performing Arts |
APA➣Army Pre-Positioned Afloat (US DoD) |
APA➣American Pulpwood Association |
APA➣Adaptive Packet Assembly |
APA➣Alaska Power Administration |
APA➣Advanced Physician Assistant (degree program) |
APA➣Additional Performance Attribute |
APA➣American Publishers Association |
APA➣Arithmetic Processing Accelerator |
APA➣Automotive Press Association (Detroit, MI) |
APA➣Adaptive Phased Array |
APA➣Alabama Psychological Association |
APA➣Arkansas Pharmacists Association |
APA➣Asociación Paleontológica Argentina |
APA➣ASEAN People's Assembly |
APA➣Asset Protection Allowance (student financial aid) |
APA➣Assistant Political Agent (Pakistan) |
APA➣Acolyte Protection Agency (WWF tag team) |
APA➣Auditors of Public Accounts |
APA➣Arizona Planning Association |
APA➣Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists |
APA➣ASEAN Ports Association |
APA➣Active Phased Array |
APA➣Academic Practice Assembly |
APA➣Algemeen Plan van Aanleg (Dutch: General Plan of Construction; Belgium) |
APA➣Amalgamated Printers Association |
APA➣Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (Washington, DC) |
APA➣Aromatics Producers Association |
APA➣American Podiatry Association |
APA➣Afghanistan Peace Association |
APA➣Advanced Processor Architecture (various organizations) |
APA➣Adolf and the Piss Artists (band) |
APA➣Aircraft Procurement, Army |
APA➣African Paddling Association (South Africa) |
APA➣Active Phase Arrest (obstetrics) |
APA➣Alexander Parents Association (Miami, FL) |
APA➣Alberta Physiotherapy Association (Canada) |
APA➣Agricultural Publishers Association |
APA➣Allowance for Program Adjustment |
APA➣Agrupaciones de Productores Agrarios (Spain) |
APA➣Adaptive Power Allocation |
APA➣antipolymer antibody (assay) |
APA➣Another Pointless Acronym |
APA➣Army Procurement Agency |
APA➣African Potato Association |
APA➣Air Pathway Analysis |
APA➣Australia Pro Arte (chamber orchestra) |
APA➣Antagonist Perpetrated Aggression |
APA➣American Protestant Association |
APA➣American Pinzgauer Association (Cedar Hill, TN) |
APA➣Always Pounding Ass |
APA➣Asociación para los Pueblos Amenazados (Spanish: Society for Threatened Peoples) |
APA➣American Physiotherapy Association |
APA➣Annular Phased Array |
APA➣Appalachian Pagan Alliance |
APA➣Airline Pilot's Association |
APA➣Advanced Performance Algorithm |
APA➣Application Portfolio Architecture |
APA➣Appropriation Purchase Account |
APA➣American Philatelic Association |
APA➣Americanist Phonetic Alphabet |
APA➣Advanced Profit Analysis (analysis of production data for determining rate per minute of profitability) |
APA➣Acid Precipitation Act |
APA➣Aircraft Parking Area |
APA➣Accurate Premium Audits, Inc. |
APA➣Army Procurement Appropriations |
APA➣Amplified Piezoelectric Actuator (Cedrat Technologies, France) |
APA➣Air Patrol Area |
APA➣American Parquet Association, Inc. |
APA➣Atomic Pop Art Entertainment, LLC (publishing) |
APA➣Alien Port Adapter (Cisco 7200 router) |
APA➣Air Products Association |
APA➣American Pancreatic Association, Inc. |
APA➣Association for the Prevention of Accidents (UK) |
APA➣American Particleboard Association |
APA➣Approvisionneur Professionnel Agree |
APA➣Allowance for Project Adjustment |
APA➣Advanced Processor Assembly |
APA➣American Powerlifters Association (est. 1987; Vermont) |
APA➣American Penguins Association (gaming clan) |
APA➣Arrival-Point Analysis |
APA➣Avionics Planning Activity |
APA➣Anti-Penguin Association |
APA➣Advanced Pilot's Aid |
APA➣Airborne Power Adapter |
APA➣Asociación de Protección a las Adolescentes (Association for Protection of Adolescents, Guatemala) |
APA➣Antenna Pointing Angles |
APA➣Army Propositioned Afloat |
APA➣Air Preprocessing/Preamplifier Assembly |
APA➣Advance Procurement Authorization |
APA➣Advance of Pay & Allowances |
APA➣Adiabatic Perturbation Approximation |
APA➣Azimuth Power Assembly |
APA➣After Print Approval (metals industry) |
APA➣Accident Prevention Advisor (Airline) |
APA➣Assistant Planner Analyst |
APA➣Automatic Pre-Emphasis Adjustment (optical telecommunications) |
APA➣Appareil à Prélèvement Atmosphérique (French: Atmospheric Sampling Unit) |