释义 |
cerebral surface ce·re·bral sur·face [TA] the internal surface of certain cranial bones; they are (the greater wing of) the sphenoid (facies cerebralis alae majoris ossis sphenoidale [TA]) and (the squamous part of) the temporal bone (facies cerebralis partis squamosae ossis temporale [TA]). Synonym(s): facies cerebralis [TA]ce·re·bral sur·face (serĕ-brăl sŭrfăs) [TA] The internal surface of certain cranial bones; they are (the greater wing of) the sphenoid (facies cerebralis alae majoris ossis sphenoidale [TA]) and (the squamous part of) the temporal bone (facies cerebralis partis squamosae ossis temporale [TA]). |