emergency surgery

A surgical procedure that cannot be delayed, for which there is no alternative therapy or surgeon, and for which a delay could result in death or permanent impairment of health
Examples Open fracture of skull, some gunshot and stab wounds, extensive burns, urinary obstruction, intestinal obstruction, ruptured appendix, twisted ovarian cyst, ruptured fallopian tube

emergency surgery

Surgery Surgery that cannot be delayed, for which there is no alternative therapy or surgeon, and a delay could result in death or permanent impairment of health Examples Open fracture of skull, some gunshot and stab wounds, extensive burns, urinary obstruction, intestinal obstruction, ruptured appendix, twisted ovarian cyst, ruptured fallopian tube. See Surgery.

e·mer·gen·cy sur·ger·y

(ē-mĕr'jĕn-sē sŭr'jĕr-ē) Previously unanticipated surgery carried out in response to a sudden condition that may threaten a patient's well-being.