cumulative trauma disorder

repetitive strain injury

A work-related injury caused by overuse of a particular musculoskeletal group to perform a task that is repeated hundreds to thousands of times in day-to-day work; repetitive motion injury affects workers in the textile industry, meat-packers, keyboard operators and others.

cumulative trauma disorder

Repetitive motion injury, repetitive stress disorder Occupational medicine Any of a group of conditions characterized by repeated stress on muscles, bones, tendons, nerves, which have psychologic and/or physical ramifications–eg, avoidance personality disorder, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc. See Americans with Disabilities Act, Saroka v. Dayton Hudson

cu·mu·la·tive trau·ma dis·or·der

(CTD) (kyūm'yŭ-lă-tiv traw'mă dis-ōr'dĕr) Any of the chronic disorders involving tendon, muscle, joint, and nerve damage, often resulting from work-related physical activities. CTDs, including repetitive motion disorders and carpal tunnel syndrome, result when the body is subjected to direct pressure, vibration, or repetitive movements for prolonged periods.
Synonym(s): microtrauma, repetitive strain disorder.

cu·mu·la·tive trau·ma dis·or·der

(CTD) (kyūm'yŭ-lă-tiv traw'mă dis-ōr'dĕr) Any of the chronic disorders involving tendon, muscle, joint, and nerve damage, often resulting from work-related physical activities.
Synonym(s): microtrauma, repetitive strain disorder.