do's and don'ts

do's and don'ts

The general rules and regulations of a given activity, operation, or situation. Before you begin your first day working for us, there are a few important do's and don'ts that I need to familiarize you with. Tom doesn't understand the basic do's and don'ts of social etiquette.See also: and

do's and don'ts

Rules or customs concerning some activity, as in It's important to know the do's and don'ts of diplomatic receptions. This expression alludes to what one should and should not do or say. [c. 1900] See also: and

the dos and don'ts

COMMON The dos and don'ts of a particular situation are the things you should and should not do in that situation. Disasters can be avoided if a few general dos and don'ts are considered. The publisher produces a detailed booklet and cassette tape full of dos and don'ts for aspiring authors.See also: and, DOS

dos and don'ts

rules of behaviour. 1999 Alumnus Volunteers are prepared well on…cultural dos and don'ts before they leave for the field to serve. See also: and, DOS

do’s and ˈdon’ts

(informal) what to do and what not to do; rules: This book is a useful guide to the do’s and don’ts of choosing and buying your first car.See also: and

do’s and don’ts

n. the rules; the things that should be done and those that should not be done. I must admit that a lot of the do’s and don’ts don’t make much sense to me either. See also: and

do's and don'ts

Rules about what one should and shouldn’t do or say in certain situations. One of the earliest uses of this term appeared in 1902 as the title of a book, Golf Do’s and Don’ts. It rapidly spread into numerous other contexts, as in “Her big sister was about to tell her the do’s and don’ts of a first date.” It has been a cliché for decades.See also: and