释义 |
ob-pref. Inverse; inversely: obcordate. [New Latin, short for obversē, obversely, from Latin obversus, past participle of obvertere, to turn toward : ob-, toward, against (from ob, toward, against, before; see epi in Indo-European roots) + vertere, to turn; see versus.]ob- prefix inverse or inversely: obovate. [from Old French, from Latin ob. In compound words of Latin origin, ob- (and oc-, of-, op-) indicates: to, towards (object); against (oppose); away from (obsolete); before (obstetric); down, over (obtect); for the sake of (obsecrate); and is used as an intensifier (oblong)]Ob (ɔb, ɒb) n. 1. a river in the W Russian Federation in Asia, flowing NW to the Gulf of Ob. 2500 mi. (4025 km) long. 2. Gulf of, an inlet of the Arctic Ocean. ab. 500 mi. (800 km) long. OB 1. Also, obMed. a. obstetrical. b. obstetrician. c. obstetrics. 2. off Broadway. ob- a prefix meaning “toward,” “to,” “on,” “over,” “against,” occurring in loanwords from Latin; used also, with the senses “reversely,” “inversely,” to form New Latin and English scientific terms: object; obligate; oblanceolate. Also, o-, oc-, of-, op-.[Middle English (< Old French) < Latin, representing ob (preposition); in some scientific terms, < New Latin, Latin ob-] ob. 1. he died; she died. [< Latin obiit] 2. incidentally. [< Latin obiter] Ob-
Ob-/ob/ prefix Obligatory. A piece of netiquette acknowledgingthat the author has been straying from the newsgroup's chartertopic. For example, if a posting in alt.sex is a response toa part of someone else's posting that has nothing particularlyto do with sex, the author may append "ObSex" (or "Obsex") andtoss off a question or vignette about some unusual erotic act.It is considered a sign of great winnitude when one's Obsare more interesting than other people's whole postings.ob-
ob- word element [L.], against; in front of; toward.ob- prefix denoting against.FinancialSeeobThesaurusSeeOb |