

 [en″zi-mat´ik] of, relating to, caused by, or of the nature of an enzyme.


(en'zi-mat'ik), Relating to an enzyme. Synonym(s): enzymic


, enzymic (en″zĭ-mat′ik) (en-zī′mik) Pert. to an enzyme.enzymatically (en″zĭ-mat′i-k(ă-)lē) enzymically (en-zī′mi-k(ă-)lē)

Patient discussion about enzymic

Q. My muscle enzymes are at 355, my DR says normal is 200. She refered me to a Neurologist. What could be wrong? I am experiencing sore legs when I walk, weakness, and sometimes difficulty in swallowing. I am 46 I had a minor heart attack 5 yrs ago with a stent placed in my LAD. I am on Crestor 10mg. my Dr. has adjusted the dosage several times and used other drugs but it doesn't change the results much if at all.A. Crestor itself may cause elevated muscle enzymes (you probably refer to Creatine Kinase, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatine_kinase). However, weakness and swallowing problems may raise the suspicion of a disease of the nerves or muscles.

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