EGIÉtats Généraux de l'Industrie (French: States General of Industry)
EGIEuropean Grid Infrastructure
EGIElectronic Gasoline Injection
EGIElectronically Controlled Gas Injection
EGIElectroacústica General Ibérica (Spanish electronics manufacturer)
EGIEconomic Growth Initiative (various locations)
EGIEffective Gross Income
EGIExpert Guided Implementation (SAP)
EGIElectrical Geodesics Inc.
EGIEthical Globalization Initiative
EGIEmbedded GPS/INS (Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation System)
EGIEnergy and Geoscience Institute (University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT)
EGIEuropean Grid Initiative
EGIÉtablissement Géographique Interarmées (French: Joint Geographic Establishment)
EGIEuro Group Invest (France)
EGIEnergiagazdálkodási Rt (Budapest, Hungary)
EGIEfficient Government Initiative (UK)
EGIEquipment Group Identifier
EGIExhaust Gas Ignition (automotive)
EGIEasy Gardener Inc.
EGIEarly Gas Injection