Acronym | Definition |
EOI➣Expression Of Interest |
EOI➣Effect of Interest |
EOI➣Exchange of Information |
EOI➣Evidence Of Insurance |
EOI➣Embassy of India |
EOI➣Evidence of Insurability |
EOI➣Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (Spain, Official Languages School) |
EOI➣End of Injection |
EOI➣Economic Opportunity Institute |
EOI➣Evidence of Identity |
EOI➣Expressions of Interest |
EOI➣Explanation of Investment |
EOI➣End of Image |
EOI➣Edge of Insanity |
EOI➣End of Innocence (music album) |
EOI➣End of Interrupt |
EOI➣Escuela de Organización Industrial (Spain) |
EOI➣End of Irradiation |
EOI➣Evidence of Identity (various nations) |
EOI➣Export Oriented Industrialisation |
EOI➣Engine of Innovation |
EOI➣Electronic Operator Interface |
EOI➣Every Other Issue |
EOI➣End of Input |
EOI➣End Or Identify |
EOI➣End of Instruction (type of exam) |
EOI➣Export Oriented Industry |
EOI➣Electronic Object Identifier |
EOI➣Extra Ordinary Income |
EOI➣Electro-Optical Interface (Nortel) |
EOI➣Emergency Operating Instruction(s) |
EOI➣European Ombudsman Institute |
EOI➣Equivalence of Input (telecommunications regulation) |
EOI➣Economic Opportunity Initiative (various organizations) |
EOI➣Earth Orbit Insertion |
EOI➣Elf Only Inn (webcomic) |
EOI➣End of Identity |
EOI➣End Of Installation (US Navy) |
EOI➣End of Item |
EOI➣Electronic Order Interface |
EOI➣Early Operational Interface |
EOI➣Executive Office Installation |
EOI➣Engineering Operating Instruction |
EOI➣Effective Operating Income |
EOI➣Early Oral Intervention (Mississippi) |