释义 |
collagen fiber col·la·gen fi·ber , collagenous fiberan individual fiber that varies in diameter from less than 1 mcm to about 12 mcm and is composed of fibrils; the fibers, which are usually arranged in bundles, undergo some branching and are of indefinite length; chemically the fiber is a glycoprotein, collagen, which yields gelatin upon boiling; it constitutes the principal element of irregular connective tissue, tendons, aponeuroses, and most ligaments, and occurs in the matrix of cartilage, dentin, cementum, and osseous tissue. Synonym(s): white fiber (2) col·la·gen fi·ber, collagenous fiber (kol'ă-jen fī'bĕr, kŏ-laj'ĕ-nŭs) An individual fiber that varies in diameter from less than 1 mcm to about 12 mcm and is composed of fibrils. The fibers, which are usually arranged in bundles, undergo some branching and are of indefinite length; chemically the fiber is a glycoprotein, collagen, which yields gelatin on boiling; they make up the principal element of irregular connective tissue, tendons, aponeuroses, and most ligaments, and occur in the matrix of cartilage and osseous tissue. Synonym(s): white fiber (2) , collagen fibre. col·la·gen fi·ber , collagenous fiber (kol'ă-jen fī'bĕr, kŏ-laj'ĕ-nŭs) Individual fiber that varies in diameter from less than 1 mcm to about 12 mcm and is composed of fibrils; constitutes the principal element of irregular connective tissue, tendons, aponeuroses, and most ligaments, and occurs in the matrix of cartilage, dentin, cementum, and osseous tissue. Synonym(s): collagen fibre. |