FPIForbidden Planet International
FPIFormal Public Identifier
FPIFront Populaire Ivoirien (French: Ivorian Popular Front, Icory Coast)
FPIFederal Prison Industries, Inc.
FPIFederal Polytechnic, Idah (Nigeria)
FPIFamily Programming Interface
FPIFluid Percussion Injury (brain injury)
FPIFiscal Policy Institute (New York)
FPIFins Per Inch (cooling systems)
FPIFront Pembela Islam (Indonesian: Islamic Defenders Front)
FPIFormacion de Personal Investigador (Spanish)
FPIFabry-Perot Interferometer
FPIFireplace Products International Ltd (Delta, BC, Canada)
FPIFixed Price Incentive (Contract)
FPIFinancial Planning Institute
FPIForeign Portfolio Investment
FPIFriends Provident International
FPIFamily and Parenting Institute
FPIFood Processing Industries
FPIForeign Policy Institute (Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University)
FPIFederation of Philippine Industries
FPIForce Protection, Inc (Cougar MRAP vehicle manufacturer)
FPIForeign Private Issuer (US securities law)
FPIFull Prescribing Information
FPIFederazione Pugilistica Italiana
FPIFood Price Index
FPIFood Policy Institute
FPIFuture Pipe Industries (Dubai, UAE)
FPIFinancial Partners Inc.
FPIFirst Premium Income Trust (India)
FPIFunctional Process Improvement
FPIFormation Professionnelle Initiale (French: Initial Vocational Training)
FPIFederal Preservation Institute (National Park Service, Washington, DC)
FPIFlat Panel Interface
FPIForest Pharmaceuticals Inc
FPIFundashon pa Planifikashon Di Idioma (Curaço, NA)
FPIFoodservice and Packaging Institute
FPIFluid Power International, Inc (Gainesville, GA)
FPIFirst Patient In (clinical trials)
FPIFreiburg Personality Inventory
FPIFishery Products International, Ltd. (Canada)
FPIFinancial Performance Indicators
FPIFiber Products International (Baltimore, MD)
FPIFamly Policy Institute (South Africa)
FPIFree Press International (West Columbia, TX)
FPIFédération Promoteurs Immobiliers (French: Property Developers Federation)
FPIFlach Pyramide International
FPIFast Probability Integration
FPIFamily Preservation Institute (Albuquerque, NM)
FPIFlight Project International (air traffic simulation network)
FPIFinancial Pacific Insurance (Rocklin, CA)
FPIFirst Part Inspection (aerospace industry)
FPIFocused Photonics Inc (Newark, CA)
FPIFrontier Planning International
FPIFast Processor Interface
FPIFolding@Home Petaflop Initiative
FPIFault Passage Indicator
FPIFixed Private Investment
FPIFixture Perfect International
FPIFlexible Peripheral Interconnect
FPIFourier Path Integral (also seen as FOURPI)
FPIFitness Products International
FPIFirecreek Petroleum Inc (Fort Worth, TX)
FPIFaktorprisindex (Swedish: Factor Price Index)
FPIFast Plasma Instrument
FPIFamily Preservation Initiative
FPIFood Processing Institute
FPIFractional Product Inefficiency
FPIFirst Trust Advantage Preferred Income Fund
FPIFraud Prevention Institute
FPIFocal Plane Instrument
FPIFinancial Profiles Inc
FPIFlash Parameter Injection
FPIFrench Property Investment
FPIFederal Prison Institute
FPIFamily Philanthropy Initiative
FPIFrench Property Ireland (Galway, Ireland)
FPIFluorescent Penetrate Inspection
FPIFaith and Politics Institute
FPIFull Potential Initiative
FPIFreedom Party International
FPIFirst Point International (Aberdeen, Scotland)
FPIField Presence Indicator
FPIFrench Petroleum Institute
FPIFreight Plan International (Kewdale, Western Australia, Australia)
FPIFinancial Policy and Procedure Instructions
FPIForest Products International
FPIFile Position Indicator
FPIFood Processing Intelligence
FPIFirst Place Inc (Philippines)
FPIFacilities Project Information
FPIForeign Person of Interest (US FEMA)
FPIMondial Financial Partners
FPIFoxtrot Platform Interface
FPIFacility Project Index
FPIFoxy Private Investigators (TV characters)
FPIFrankfurt Psychoanalytic Institute (Frankfurt, Germany)
FPIForgotten Players of Insanity (gaming clan)
FPIFixed Price Initiative
FPIFlight Parameter Indicator
FPIForeign Procedural Interface
FPIFreeland Products, Inc. (rebuilder of vacuum power tubes)
FPIFiscal Project Identification
FPIFood Perspectives Inc (Plymouth, MN)
FPIForest Partners International (Flourtown, PA)
FPIForwarding Plane Interface
FPIFuturistic Power Innovations (Cypress, TX)
FPIFloor Plan Identifier
FPIFire Protection International (Concord, CA)
FPIFrontrange Paranormal Investigations (Arvada, CO)
FPIFlavor Producers Inc (Valencia, CA)
FPIFireworks Productions Inc (Maryland Line, MD)
FPIFairbridge Project International, Inc
FPIFranklin Precision Industries
FPIFoot Pounds Per Inch