

单词 gmp



G0164500 (jē′ĕm-pē′)n. A nucleotide composed of guanine, ribose, and one phosphate group, formed by the breakdown of GTP during protein synthesis. Also called guanylic acid.
[g(uanosine) m(ono)p(hosphate).]


guanosine monophosphate: a ribonucleotide constituent of ribonucleic acid that is the phosphoric acid ester of the nucleoside guanosine.



(guanosine monophosphate): see guanineguanine
, organic base of the purine family. It was reported (1846) to be in the guano of birds; later (1879–84) it was established as one of the major constituents of nucleic acids.
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 guanosine monophosphate.3′,5′-GMP (cyclic GMP) cyclic guanosine monophosphate.


Abbreviation for guanosine monophosphate (guanylic acid).


(jē′ĕm-pē′)n. A nucleotide composed of guanine, ribose, and one phosphate group, formed by the breakdown of GTP during protein synthesis. Also called guanylic acid.


Abbreviation for:
general medical practice 
general medical practitioner 
general medical problem
good manufacturing practices
graduate medical program
granular membrane protein
guanosine 3’,5’-monophosphate, see there


1. Guanosine monophosphate, see there.2. Good manufacturing practice, see there.


Abbreviation for guanylic acid.


GMPGood Manufacturing Practice(s)
GMPGreater Manchester Police
GMPGNU Multiple Precision (arithmetic library)
GMPGuaranteed Maximum Price (building construction)
GMPGreen Mountain Power (Vermont)
GMPGuaranteed Minimum Pension
GMPGénie Mécanique et Productique (French)
GMPGroupe Moto Propulseur (French: Powertrain; automotive engineering)
GMPGeneral Management Planning (US NPS)
GMPGlobal Malaria Programme (World Health Organization)
GMPGroup Management Protocol
GMPGulf of Mexico Program
GMPGood Manufacturing Practice
GMPGlobal Mobile Professional
GMPGovernment Markets Platform
GMPGeomorph Tile Map
GMPGroup Membership Protocol
GMPGeometric Modeling and Processing
GMPGroup Multicast Protocol
GMPGnu Multi Precision
GMPGuanosine 5'-Monophosphate
GMPGeneral Machine Products (various locations)
GMPGrants Management Process (US HUD)
GMPGood Manufacturing Process
GMPGovernment of Madhya Pradesh (India)
GMPGross Metropolitan Product
GMPGeneral Managers Program (various organizations)
GMPGlobal Marshall Plan
GMPGrowth Management Plan
GMPGeneric Mapping Procedure
GMPGood Management Practice
GMPGlobal Monitoring Programme (Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants)
GMPGood Manufacturing Procedure
GMPGlobal Managing Partner (various organizations)
GMPGeneral Medical Practitioner
GMPGross Metro Product
GMPGuardianship Monitoring Program (various locations)
GMPGrand Master Prestige (gaming)
GMPGeneral Minister and President
GMPGround Maintenance Program
GMPGuaranteed Minimum Price
GMPGarrison Military Police (UK)
GMPGuilford Medical Partners (Georgia)
GMPGenetically Modified Product
GMPGross Maximum Price
GMPGroundwater Monitoring Plan
GMPGranulocyte-Monocyte Progenitor
GMPGeneral Motors Powertrain
GMPGlass Molding Press
GMPGood Manufacturing Compliance (FDA regulation of medical devices)
GMPGimpo Domestic Airport (South Korea)
GMPGlass, Molder, Pottery Union
GMPGlobal Markov Property
GMPGans Multimedia Partnership
GMPGun Mount Processor (US Navy)
GMPGeneral Modus Ponens
GMPGay Men's Pride
GMPGeneral Mining Package
GMPGlobal Manufacturing Plan




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