ASOCA State of Carnage
ASOCAdvanced Security Operations Center (cybersecurity)
ASOCAir Support Operations Center
ASOCAntarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition
ASOCAdvanced Separation of Concerns (Aspect-Oriented Software Development)
ASOCAdvanced Source Operations Course (US DoD)
ASOCAir Sovereignty Operations Center
ASOCAustralian Standard Offence Classification
ASOCAvenger and Sunbeam Owners Club
ASOCArmstrong Siddeley Owners Club (UK)
ASOCAtlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus (Atlanta, GA)
ASOCAstor Street Opry Company (Astoria, OR)
ASOCAssociated Students of Ohlone College (California)
ASOCAdministrative Service Oversight Center
ASOCAgriculture Security Operations Center (USDA)
ASOCAmateur Station Operator's Certificate (India)
ASOCAustralasian Society of Cytogeneticists (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia)
ASOCAltered State of Consciousness
ASOCAppleScript Objective-C (interface scripts)
ASOCAtlas 5 Spaceflight Operations Center
ASOCAir Force Special Operations Center
ASOCAlternate Systems Operation Control
ASOCAlternate Sector Operations Center
ASOCAllied Sector Operating Center
ASOCApplication Specific Optical Component (Bookham Technology)
ASOCAfrican Squash Open Championship
ASOCAncillary Services Opportunity Cost (Priority-based Control Engineering)